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It's the day before father's Day and I have the perfect way to tell Grayson.

I have a doctors appointment today so I'm driving there now.

The twins took their family out for the day so I'm alone all day.

When I got there they called me in telling me to wait for my doctor to come in.

The door opened to her smiling bright causing me to smile back

"Hello Ms. Accuno what seems to be the problem" She asked sitting down in front of me

"I took three pregnancy test and they all came out positive and I've been having morning sickness and throughout the day sickness" I said and she nodded as she wrote things down

"Are you on the pill" She asked and I shook my head no

"Are you and your partner using any protection" She asked and again I shook my head no

"Were you two planning on having children" She asked and I nodded yes

"We'll step into another room here to check things out" She said and I nodded

We both stood up and she led the way to another room seeing there was an ultrasound.

I sat on the bed as she instructed me to lay down and lift my shirt.

She sat next to me and turned the machine on and grabbed a bottle and opened it

"This may be cold" She warned me making me nod

The pushed some onto my stomach and spread it with the stick she had in her hand

She focused really hard on the screen till she stayed on the right side of my stomach and smiled

"There's your baby" She said turning to me smiling

I looked at the screen to see a tiny dot and my breath got stuck in my throat

"Oh my god, it's so tiny" I whispered not being able to take my eyes off the screen

"I would say your about 6-7 weeks" She said as I felt tears form in my eyes

"That's my baby" I whispered once again

"Congratulations Ms. Accuno" She said smiling shutting the machine off

I got home from the doctor's and im tired as hell so I walked up stairs and layed down.

I got on my phone and saw it was almost 8

The front door opened downstairs and laughter was heard, I smiled cause Grayson's stood out the most.

I'm so happy that he's this happy. I got out of bed and rushed to the night stand and hid the surprise.

I walked downstairs to see then all talking in the kitchen

"I assume the day was nice" I asked walking up to Grayson

He wrapped his arm around my waist as I layed my head on his arm

"It was and we missed you dear" Mrs. Dolan said sweetly making me smile

"Well I'm just going to put Aaron to sleep" I said walking to Mr. Dolan

He kissed his head and passed him to me, I smiled at my baby boy and he smiled wider back at me then yawned

"Goodnight everyone" I said receiving goodnight back

"I'll be up in a bit princess" I heard Gray say as I walk back up

I walked to my room and made him a bottle and sat on the rocking chair and fed him. Seeing his eyes slowly close as he was only half way to drinking it.

I pulled the bottle from his lips and rocked back and forth as I hummed to him

I looked down feeling my heart flutter, as he fought to keep his eyes open, he looked up as me as a small smile played on his tiny lips till his eyes closed completely

God I love him so much.

I sat there with him in my arms for a while till I stood and walked to his crib and carefully layed him down and covered his small body

I walked to bed and layed down once again when the door opened to see Grayson walking in

He closed the door softly and made his way to the bed, he undressed and stayed in his boxers and climbed under the sheets

He wrapped his arm under me and pulled me close to his warm built body

"So father's Day is tomorrow" I said tracing soft shapes on his chest

He hummed in response as he rubbed my arm and ass with each hand

"You never told me what you wanted Mr. Dolan" I said causing him to grip my ass hard

"I happy with you and my son" He said making me smile

"But then what am I going to do with the present I already got you" I asked looking up at his beautiful face

"Return it cause I don't want you waisting money on me" He said smiling down at me

"Since when has money ever been an issue to you" I asked giggling

"When you buy things we don't need" He said gripping my ass again harder this time

"Who's to say I bought it" I asked giggling and he rolled his eyes playfully

"So I'm worth a homemade gift now" He asked making me laugh

"What if I found it cause I was to lazy to make you anything" I asked and he rolled his eyes again

"Then I guess I'll just be lazy for mothers day next year" He said and I laughed

He smiled down at me making me blush under his stare

"What" I asked tucking a strand of hair behind my ear

"I just love your laugh" He whispered as his finger ran down my jaw line

"I love you princess" He whispered again getting closer to me as our lips were only inches away

"I love you too baby" I whispered back

He closed the space between as his lips crashed on mine.

I love the feeling of his lips they drive me crazy in the best way possible.

I can't get enough...

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