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"Could one of them possibly die? You can't do anything about it" Grayson asked freaking out

"No one said anything about one of them dying sir. It could just mean that mom could get really sick cause her body is not taking the pregnancy well, or the baby could be pre-mature and would have to be in NICU, or the baby could come late and we would have to preform a C-section on mom and it's hard to say how either would go" She explained but my heart was racing to each word

I just layed there with my right hand right under my belly looking at the ceiling not believing it. I felt a hand grab mine as he leaned down and kissed my temple

"It's going to be fine beautiful, I'm here for you no matter what" He whispered in my ear and pulled away only the slightest

He rubbed his thumb across my cheek wiping tears I didn't know I let fall

I pulled a small smile together for him and nodded, the doctor knew we needed some time and she turned the screen off and walked out

"G-Grayson I c-can't lose m-my b-baby, I c-can't" I cried to him and he held me in his arms

He didn't say anything as he held me tighter, he rocked us as I sobbed till I felt his chest shake. I pulled back seeing tears falling from his beautiful hazel eyes

I reached up and wiped his tears away then pressed a kiss to his cheek

"I don't know what I'll do if I lose my baby Grayson" I whispered as more tears rolled down our faces

"God always has a plan Amelia, he'll let us know what his next move is. Ok princess?" He asked but to me it wasn't enough

I couldn't lose this baby because I have a bond with my baby that no one will understand but me. Only to have it taken from me, will break me.

But I nodded so Grayson wouldn't worry about me, I need to be strong for him cause Grayson wanted this baby so bad. But I need this baby now.

I cleaned my stomach and I pulled my shirt down and Grayson helped me off the bed and we walked out. The doctor was in the hall talking to a nurse about some patient until she saw us and told the nurse that they will continue the conversation after

"I need you guys to come back in one week please so I know how mom and the baby is doing. Please drink water only, dad watch her please. Momma only healthy food, don't over do things cause your body is fighting the pregnancy as it is we don't need to give it a reason to shut down" She said and I nodded

She smiled and hugged me and walked away into some room.

Grayson and I made our way out of the office and back to the car, as he helped me in.

I guess we're not talking, he drives home as we sit silent, the radio low to where I can barely hear what song is playing

We get home and he gets out fast and comes to my side and helped me out and into the house

"I'm going to lay down" I said kissing his chest then his lips

He nodded kissing my forehead then walked to the kitchen, I turned and saw the twins playing outside with Ethan as Aaron was asleep on the couch with Paw Patrol playing

I walked upstairs and sat on my bed and took my phone out and called Jasmine, happy she answered on the second ring

"Hey are my brothers home?" I asked hearing her say no

"I'm coming over"...

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