Some more bullsh*t I have to deal with.

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Lucy POV
Ever since Sunday I've been under Natsu like glue. Like if you was in my shoes you would understand. I didn't go to school today cause I didn't want to see Josh nor Lisanna even tho she didn't do anything to me this week it's just that I'm still shocked that I could've been raped and anyone was there to save me but Natsu. I bet this Josh kid told Lisanna her little gang about it cause if he did do act like I won't get Natsu to beat his a** and I'll beat Lisanna's too.

Hey Natsu you hungry? Yeah actually can you make me some grilled cheese I love way you make it, oh and also add some hot sauce to the cheese you know I loke it spicy. Yea yea I understand now go wash up hole I make them.

Natsu came back and came into the kitchen. I was also done making mine grilled cheese when I had felt two muscular arms wrap around my waist. Come on Natsu I'm trying to cook my food, can you just wait. But I felt like he wasn't listening to me, but instead he just started kissing my neck.

A few minutes of him sucking my neck and me finishing cooking and eating I went straight to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. When I looked into the mirror I was shocked to see a huge reddish hickey on the side of my neck. NATSU Dragneel!!! Come here now. I was mad cause now I have to cover it up with something. Oh this means pay back.

Natsu POV
Natsu Dragneel!!! Come here now, screamed Luce. I was laughing my butt off when she called me to the bathroom. When I got there she had this look on her face like "Oh payback time", I just waited for her to say something but nothing came.

Why did you put this huge hickey on my neck?, she asked. Well when we got to school tomorrow or anywhere I want people to know that your mines and only mines. Now quit screaming and come cuddle with me in the couch while we watch tv. Alright but just wait my payback for you is coming up so just be cautious when it comes, she said.

Normal POV
Natsu and Lucy are just sitting in her couch watching Liv and Maddie on Disney( even tho the show is old and ended). Until they heard the door bell rung. I'll get it said Natsu. When he got to the door he saw the gang and the girls. What are you guys doing here?, he asked them. Well we came to see if you and Lucy was alright and if you guys are coming to school to tomorrow?

Well yo answer your question just come inside so we both can tell you our answer. Alright. The group had walked in the living room to see Lucy watching tv. Hey guys whatcha doing here? Well we came to check on you and ask/tell you something.

Levy POV
School just ended and me and the girls decided to go see Lucy and see if she is alright. When we was walking to her house we had saw the guys walking behind us. Why are you guys following us? Well we wanna see Lucy too and see if she is ok, said Gajeel. Ok you guys can come just stop acting suspicious.

We finally made it to Lucy's and every time I come here I always stare at her house cause it's so big like it could be a castle but it's just a mansion.

We rung the door bell and someone with pink hair opened up. Explain why are you here Natsu?, asked an angry Ezra. Well little miss red I stayed the night at Lucy's to make sure she was ok and not feeling lonely since her mom is still at work.

Oh well but try and call me little miss red again and you won't live to see another day got it!, said a furious Ezra. Y-yeah I got it. We walked in to the living room to see lu-chan sitting in the couch watching tv. We told the guys to go somewhere else in the house while we sit here and talk and they went outside to Lucy's backyard that has a huge pool.

Natsu POV
Me and the guys had went outside to the backyard and soaked our feet in her pool. So what are you really for Natsu?, asked Gray. Well I'm still here to check and see if she is alright. But we all have to ask you something. Ok what ever it is hurry up so I can check on Luce.

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