Looks like someone is JEALOUS!

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Narrator POV
Lucy, Ezra, Levy, and Juvia decided that they should turn the guys on today. They all wore something sexy except for Ezra.

She wanted to look badass but still cute at the same time. They all were at Lucy's house getting ready for school when Juvia got an text from Tyler.

Juvia POVI was getting ready with the girls when Tyler had texted my phone

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Juvia POV
I was getting ready with the girls when Tyler had texted my phone. I really didn't like him but I just wanted to make Gray jealous and make him come crawling back to me.

Tyler    Juvia
Hey babe, I was wandering if you meet me in the gym when you get to school it's something I have to talk to you about.

Sure but I might be running late cause us girls are getting ready and then going to Starbucks to get some coffee.

Alright see you then bye.
Hmm that's weird he usually says "love you" at the end of the text but I shouldn't care. I'm trying to get Gray back from that little slut he's talking to now.

Hey Juvia who was that?, asked Levy. Oh it was just Tyler he said that he needed to talk to me about something but the weird thing is that he didn't say love you art eh end of his text.

Oh well don't worry about it cause if he breaks our heart I'll break him said Lucy. You guys don't have to worry about me cause I got this one in the bag. I mean you guys know how I get when someone hurts my feelings right?

I looked at them and they kind of looked scared cause last time I dated someone and I put a lot of trust in that person they almost ended up in the hospital.

Ok now let's stop talking and let's go get some coffee and some breakfast, I'm kind of hungry.

~At Starbucks~
We just got to Starbucks. Lucy was the one that was driving so she was the last one to get out cause she said something about taking an picture of her self to post on her Instagram or something.

So I walked with Levy and Ezra. When we got inside I saw Gray of all people. He looked like he hasn't slept for days. I also noticed that his little "girlfriend" wasn't by this side and that the girls had left me.

I was looking around when I saw that they had already ordered their coffee and was already in Lucy's car leaving. I wanted to run after them but I was dress and I didn't feel like it.

I looked back at Gray and he was staring at me but with his mouth open. "You should close our mouth before you catch flies", I said to him. It was kind of funny cause I never seen this side of gray before in my life.

Like I seen him drool about me but that's different. He just kept on staring at me and I was kind of getting uncomfortable. I was the next in line so I quickly ordered what I wanted to drink.

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