The Price of Gold

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SCENE: The . Past. The wicked and the dressed in gowns get in their carriage that will take them to the ball, while is left behind sweeping, dressed in rags.

: (She flies in) Do not despair, my dear, you will attend that ball.
Cinderella: Who are you?
Fairy Godmother: (She grows into her larger form) I'm your Fairy Godmother, and I'm here to change your life Cinderella.
Cinderella: But my Stepmother told me that I couldn't go, she forbade me to leave.
Fairy Godmother: Your Stepmother doesn't have this. (She brandishes her ) This wand has the power to take you to your ball, to your prince, and to... (She explodes, and appears, claiming her wand.)
Cinderella: What did you do?
Rumplestiltskin: Now now, I got what I wanted. There's no need to be frightened.
Cinderella: No need? You just killed my Fairy Godmother. She was trying to help me.
Rumplestiltskin: Was she? Do you know what this is? (He holds up the wand)
Cinderella: Pure .
Rumplestiltskin: Pure evil. Trust me. I've done you a favor. All magic comes with a price. Go on back to your life and thank your lucky stars you've still got something to go back to.
Cinderella: My's wretched.
Rumplestiltskin: Then change it. You can't handle this. (Holds up wand, and turns to leave)
Cinderella: Wait, please wait. I can handle it. Please, I will do anything to get out of here, anything.
Rumplestiltskin: Anything?
Cinderella: Do you know how to use the wand, Mr...
Rumplestiltskin: Rumplestiltskin. And yes, of course I do.
Cinderella: Then help me.
Rumplestiltskin: Well, if I do, and you can indeed shoulder the uh... consequences, then you'll owe me a favor.
Cinderella: Name it, what do you want?
Rumplestiltskin: Something precious.
Cinderella: But I have nothing.
Rumplestiltskin: Oh, but you will. With this wish will come riches more than you know.
Cinderella: I care nothing for riches. I'll give you anything you want. Just get me out of here.
Rumplestiltskin: Now we're talking.
Cinderella: Well, how does it work?
Rumplestiltskin: Fear not. My needs are small, and all you have to do is sign on the dotted line (he magically summons a document). Do we have a ?
Cinderella: Yes, yes thank you. (she signs the document)
Rumplestiltskin: (Inspecting the document) Mmm... (he waves the wand and her rags turn into a ball gown, her hair is done up, and glass slippers appear) There.
Cinderella: (About the slippers) Glass?
Rumplestiltskin: Every story needs a memorable detail. Let's see how they fit, shall we? (she puts on the slippers) Now you have a good time, but be sure to watch the clock.

SCENE: . Present day. The bell of the rings out above them as and walk the streets of Storybrooke.

Henry: Are you sure we can be seen out in the open?
Emma: Enough sneaking around. If your has a problem with me walking you to a school bus, I am more than happy to have that chat.
Henry: You're brave. You'll need that for Operation Cobra. Speaking of, do you think we need code names?
Emma: Isn't "Cobra" our code name?
Henry: That's the mission. I mean us. I need something to call you.
Emma: Oh, um... well I don't... you can just call me "Emma" for now.
Henry: Okay, well I'll see you later, Emma. (he boards the school bus)
Emma: (As she turns to walk down the street, pulls in front of her in a police car blaring the siren) What's with the siren?
Graham: It's so hard to get your attention.
Emma: Alright, well you got it. Are you arresting me again?
Graham: I'm thanking you (sighs) for your help finding that coma . We all owe you a debt of gratitude.
Emma: Well, what do I get? A commendation? Key to the city?
Graham: How about a job? I could use a deputy.
Emma: Thank you, but I have a job.
Graham: As a bail bondsperson? There's not much of that going on here.
Emma: I don't see a lot of sheriffing going on around here either.
Graham: Well, here's your chance to see it up close. There's dental. Why don't you think about it and stay awhile.

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