The Stable Boy

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SCENE: . Present. The Mayor's House. Mayor , standing and looking out a window, tearfully reminisces over a .

: Remembrance of things past?
Regina Mills: What do you want?
Mr. Gold: (Standing behind her) I need a favor.
Regina: (Scoffs, turns around) You need a favor from me?
Mr. Gold: Well, as you know, there are battery charges against me, pending. I really don't relish the thought of spending any more time locked up in a cage. Now—someone with your influence could make the D.A. suddenly realize what a flimsy case they have. (Walks over to table.) Isn't that right... Your majesty? (Picks up apple.)
Regina: What do I get out of it?
Mr. Gold: (Smirks.) Help with your problem. You see, I've noticed that no matter how hard you seem to try to stop them, she and her charming friend just keep finding ways to be together.
Regina: (Sits down) What are you suggesting?
Mr. Gold: If you want to inflict pain... (pointedly sets down apple, sits) then you must inflict pain. If something tragic... were to happen to David's wife, and if Mary Margaret should take the blame--
Regina: She'd be ruined.
Mr. Gold: And you'd have your victory, at last.
Regina: A trial could be very messy.
Mr. Gold: A trial? Now who said anything about a trial? No, once Miss Blanchard has been incarcerated, you can plant one of your lovely skeleton keys in her cell. And once she tries to leave Storybrooke, well... we all know what happens to people who attempt to leave town.
Regina: (Leaning forward) Give me one good reason why I should trust you.
Gold: (Standing up, taking apple) Because I always honor my agreements. Do we have a deal? (Tosses Regina the apple, which she catches)

SCENE: The . Past. The 's Childhood Home. A young Regina rides a horse on a training field by a small house. Her father Henry watches.

: Yes! (He chuckles once, then again. Regina finishes and dismounts) Ahh, that's beautiful, sweetheart. (They share a hug and a kiss)
Regina: Oh, thank you, Daddy. (Cora and Daniel approach)
Cora: Beautiful? (Scoffs) I'd hardly call that beautiful.
Regina: You didn't like it, mother?
Cora: You ride like a man. A lady should be graceful. You should use a saddle.
Regina: (Chuckles) I was just having fun.
Cora: You're getting a little old for fun. Who's going to want to marry you when you behave like a commoner?
Henry: (Advances a step) Honey, please leave her alone.
Cora: Stop coddling her. She's becoming an old maid. All the other girls her age are married. (Sighs) I had such high hopes.
Daniel: (Steps forward) Milady, perhaps this saddle might--
Regina: I'm done riding for the day. (Leads her horse past Daniel) And don't ever interrupt me and my mother again. (Cora smirks. Daniel takes the reins from Regina and leads the horse away with just one look back) (To Cora) Why do you always have to criticize me?
Cora: I'm not criticizing you. I'm helping you. (Regina starts to walk away) Don't you walk away from me. (She levitates Regina with her magic)
Regina: Oh! Mother! You know I don't like it when you use magic.
Cora: And I don't like insolence. I'll stop using magic when you start being an obedient daughter.
Regina: (Frustrated gasp) Why can't I just be myself?
Cora: Oh, because you can be so much more—if you'd just let me help you.
Regina: I don't care about status, I just want to be—Oh! (Cora chokes her off with her magic)
Henry: Cora, please.
Regina: (Lifted higher, some straps from the riding equipment encircling her) Please. I'll be good.
Cora: (Smirks) Excellent. That's all I wanted to hear. (Regina flees)

SCENE: Enchanted Forest. Past. Regina's Childhood Home, Stable. Daniel cares for Regina's horse as she enters.

Regina: Daniel? I'm sorry I snapped at you.
Daniel: That's all right. (Closes the distance, until the two are almost touching) You'll just have to find some way to make it up to me. (They kiss)

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