That Still Small Voice

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SCENE: The . Past. A crowd has gathered to watch a puppet show.

Princess Puppet: I wish, I wish, but nothing changes. I wish I was better at wishing! Alas, will no one slay this fearsome dragon and win my hand in marriage?(a young boy weaves through the crowd, pick-pocketing)
Prince Puppet: Aha! I will slay the fearsome dragon, milady, or die trying!
Princess Puppet: Goodbye, dear prince. It was nice knowing you!(the princess puppet is removed, and a dragon puppet is brought in in its place)
Dragon Puppet: Who dares disturb my sleep?
Prince Puppet: Uh, he went that way!
Dragon Puppet: Then I will go that way!
Prince Puppet: Very good idea. You go that way and I'll...(dialogue fades out)

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. In the woods after the puppet show, the puppeteers and and their son ; are examining their earnings)

Martin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Careful, careful.
Myrna: Don't let those coins roll away.
Martin: No, they might disappear. (he performs a sleight of hand trick, making the coin disappear and "reappear" behind Myrna's ear) Whoop, whoop, ha! Look at that.
Jiminy: (pulling a cricket in a cage out of a bag) Oh, a cricket! I love crickets.
Myrna: Crickets are trouble. Noisy bugs.
Jiminy: But they get to do whatever they want, hopping from place to place. They're free.
Myrna: You're free.
Martin: To do what we want.
Myrna: To be who you are.
Martin: And you are who you are.
Jiminy: Well maybe I want to be something else. Maybe I don't wanna steal. Maybe I wanna be good.
Martin: All that from a cricket.
Myrna: Told ya. Trouble.
Martin: "Good" is another word for "weak".
Myrna: Let us do the thinking for you.
Martin: That's what parents are for.
Myrna: To help you.
Martin: You are who you are, and there's no changing it Jiminy. Right?
Jiminy: Right.
Martin: Right. Problem solved.

SCENE: . Present day. 's . Dr. Hopper is writing during a session with .

Henry: You weren't always a cricket.
Archie: I wasn't al... Oh right, because um... because you think I'm Jiminy Cricket. Why... Why do you... Why do you think that Henry?
Henry: It's just because of who you are.
Archie: And who am I?
Henry: You're a conscience. You help people see right from wrong.
Archie: So all of the crickets in Storybrooke, they were once people too?
Henry: There aren't any crickets here. Listen. (he goes to the window and listens. An owl is heard hooting, but no crickets are heard)
Archie: Maybe it isn't late enough.
Henry: There's never been crickets here. You've just never noticed.
Archie: So you think that's proof that there's a ?
Henry: Yes, but I know it's not enough. I'm looking for more.
Archie: So Henry, look, I asked you this once before and you said you'd think about it. Why do you think it is so important that this is real?
Henry: It... It just is.
Archie: Alright, well... Keep thinking about that answer Henry, 'cause I think there's something buried there.

SCENE. Storybrooke. Present day. . and discuss her uniform and her new position as deputy sheriff.

Emma: (holds up shirt) A tie? You know you don't have to dress a woman as a man to give her authority.
Graham: So you think you can get people to do what you want in that red coat?
Emma: I'm getting you to do what I want right now. (she throws the shirt down)
Graham: Well, at least wear the badge. Go on. Take it. If you really want to be a part of this community, you have to make it official. (she clips the badge to her belt, and a loud tremor shakes the office briefly. Car alarms are heard going off outside and all of the telephones begin to ring)

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