True North

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SCENE: . Present. . is reading a comic book, "Wolverine vs Hulk", when suddenly approaches him

Ava: What are you reading?
Henry: The Hulk versus Wolverine.
Ava: I'm Ava. I think I've seen you around . You're in 's class, right?
(Henry smiles and nods his head when comes near.)
Nicholas: Almost ready, Ava?
(Henry seems to be a little sad)
Ava: This is my brother Nicholas.
Nicholas: Hi. (Henry then smiles to him) Come on, let's go.
Ava: (to Henry) You wanna come hang out?
Henry: Sure. (picks up his backpack and follows Nicholas with Ava)
(Nicholas prepares to pull the handle of the door to leave as the pharmacy's owner, , pushes back the door)
Mr. Clark: Where the hell do you think you're going? Achoo! (pointing to Henry) Open up your bag.
Henry: What?
Mr. Clark: Don't think I didn't see you rob me. (Ava and Nicholas exchange a glance) Open your bag.
Henry: But, I didn't take anything.
Mr. Clark: (grabs Henry's bag and takes out some chocolate bars from it) And a liar, too.
Henry: (turns to Ava) That's why you were talking to me. So your brother could put the stuff in there.
Mr. Clark: Henry, I'm shocked. (turning to Ava and Nicholas) And you two, just who do you think you are?

SCENE: The . Past. In a forest. A cuts off a tree

Woodcutter: (to his daughter, ) A fine specimen, the wood it provides will keep our family's hearth for warm this winter.
Gretel: Can't I have an axe?
Woodcutter: Huh?
Gretel You did say you want me here so I can help.
Woodcutter: That I did. So, here's your task: take the cart, go fill it with kindling. The drier, the better.
Gretel: Okay. (walks away)
Woodcutter: And, have accompany you.
Gretel: Okay. (takes the cart and goes)
Woodcutter: Wait! (walks near Gretel and puts a compass around Gretel's neck) Take this.
Gretel: (smiles) Your compass?
Woodcutter: So you won't get lost. A family always needs to be able to find one another.
Gretel: Yeah.
Woodcutter: Okay?
Gretel: Okay.
Woodcutter: Go. Be safe.
(Hansel and Gretel set off)

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. Another part of the forest. Gretel carries some twigs to the cart while Hansel is playing with his

Gretel: (to Hansel) It's getting late. We should go.
(Hansel is still toying with his sling so Gretel takes it away)
Hansel: Hey! Give it back! Come on, Gretel, give it back.
Gretel: No, Hansel, we need to get back to father.
Hansel: Fine.
Gretel: (taking up the compass) Follow me.
(Hansel pushes the cart and follows Gretel)

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. Where the woodcutter cut off a tree earlier that day. The woodcutter is not there

Gretel: This is where we left him.
Hansel: So why isn't he here?
(they run around that area)
Gretel: Father?
Hansel: Father!
(a sound emerges and they run towards the source)
Hansel and Gretel: Father! Father!

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. On the road. The woodcutter is nowhere to be seen. Gretel turns back and bumps into a horse with the 's guard on it. Gretel fell and the compass on her hand is broken. A guard grabs them to meet the Queen.

Evil Queen: What are you doing in my forest?

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Dark Star Pharmacy. Mr. Clark is talking to Regina Mills about her son's action

Mr. Clark: I'm sorry, madam mayor, but your son was shoplifting.
Regina: (turns to Henry) Were you?
(Henry shakes his head)
Mr. Clark: Well, look for yourself. (points to a bench, on which are Henry's backpack and some goods taken from it)
Regina: (takes a look at the goods) My son doesn't eat candy. And he knows better than to steal. (takes Henry's backpack and zip it) It was obviously those two. We're going.
(Regina and Henry leaves the pharmacy as enters)
Emma: Henry. What happened?
Regina: Miss Swan, must I remind you that genetics mean nothing? You are not his mother and it's all taken care of.
Emma: I'm here because I'm the sheriff.
Regina: Oh, that's right. Go on, do your job. (Emma walks pass Regina) Take care of those miscreants.
Emma: (to Mr. Clark) Did you call their parents?
Mr. Clark: Uh, the number they gave me was disconnected.
(Mr. Clark walks away to leave Emma talks with Ava and Nicholas)
Emma: Did you guys give Mr. Clark a fake number?
(Ava and Nicholas shake their heads)
Emma: Then why is it disconnected?
Ava: 'Cause our parents couldn't pay the bill.
Emma: (picking up a box of toothpaste they planned to steal) You guys are just trying to help out, huh?
Ava: (nods) Please, please don't arrest us. It will just make things worse for our parents.

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