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Zeus: There is SOMETHING you could do.

Emma: Good.
(A few seconds later)

Zeus: I don't know yet! Don't look at me!

Emma: We don't have very long.

Zeus: Fine. This might sound a little cold blooded, but I need you to kill Hades.

Emma: What? I thought you two were brothers!

Zeus: I know. But listen. He is evil. He wants everybody to be dead, but not move on into the afterlife because he rules this place, and he craves power, so he keeps people from moving on. When he is dead, I will search the world for a proper replacement.

Emma: That sounds really difficult.

Zeus: Reviving one life is no easy feat, however, I will protect his corpse, so it doesn't rot.

Emma: Thanks.

Zeus: But remember that if you die here, you have to stay here unless I need you to do something else.

Emma: Okay... But couldn't you do it yourself.

Zeus: I wouldn't have the heart to. Anyways, here's this weapon that can instantly erase him. Use it cleverly he is talented at stealing things

Emma: I guess I'll go tell the others.

(After Emma told them)

Regina: Oh HELL No! We cannot kill a god.

Emma: But Zeus gave us this nifty weapon that can kill him instantly.

Regina: Are you sure it will work?

Snow: How about we try it on something else first?

Emma: Give me a shoe.

Regina: How about we use that table?

Emma: Okay.
(Zaps the table)
Let's go.

Snow: Where do we go?

Zelena: We HAVE to kill him?

Emma: Aren't you the wicked witch of the West? Killing ONE person shouldn't be too bad.

Zelena: We kind of have a history.

Emma: You were together?

Zelena: For a time.

Regina: Oh get over it!

Zelena: How about YOU get over Daniel!

Regina: You two were never that close.

Zelena: How do you know?

Regina: I know what true love is and this isn't.

Snow: This sounds wrong.

David: We can't take life to save another. We...

Regina: Shut up!

Emma: Stop wasting time. We need to find him.

Hades: No need.

Emma: Ah! You're here!

Hades: Let me take that off your hands. (Hades teleports it into his own hands.

Regina: Let me take it back. (Regina steals the weapon back and blasts it at Hades.) Well that was easier than I thought.

Zeus: Great job! You passed. Although he is not really dead.

Emma: What?

Zeus: This was just a test of your dedication. Like I said, killing a god is an incredible feat. But you have proven that you care enough for your loved one to risk it. You may have him back, or let him stay.

Emma: Stay here?

Zeus: Well, he is already in the afterlife.

Emma: Is he happy?

Zeus: It's HEAVEN!

Emma: Okay, how about I just talk to him?

Zeus: Sure.

(Zeus sends Emma up to heaven where she and  Neal have a talk.)

To be continued.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... you can stop now No............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. there we go...

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