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(Right about now Emma and the crew are wondering what to do while Regina's gone.)

Emma: Regina's been gone a while.

Henry: Yeah, I know.

Emma: All this time has got me thinking, is there a way to get back to Storybrooke?

Snow: Why do you want to go back to Storybrooke?

Emma: I don't know. I think I like it better there.

Snow: Why?

Emma: Oh, you know, I miss phones, music, cars... advanced technology in general.

Snow: But this is our home.

Emma: Well, that was your home for the past twenty-eight years.

Snow: Your boyfriend died to get us here.

Emma: Technically, he's my ex, but maybe there is a way to get him back, right?

Snow: Let's do it.

Emma: What?

Snow: It'll be an exciting adventure.

David: What adventure?

Snow: We're going to try and bring Neal back.

David: How would we do that?

Snow: Well, we could find some way to go to the underworld.

Belle: Maybe you could use magic beans...

Rumple: Must we go to the underworld?

Emma: Yes. And what are magic beans?

Snow: To put it simply, portal devices.

Emma: We would probably need more than one. We need a way out.

Snow: I had one stashed away in case of emergency.

Emma: If you had magic beans, why didn't you guys just use it to travel to the "land without magic" so we wouldn't be separated.

Snow: We didn't have one at the time of the curse. I found this on the floor when we got here.

David: You mean to tell me you found a MAGIC BEAN just lying in the ground?

Snow: Yeah! didn't I show you?

David: No...

Jiminy Cricket: It wouldn't be right to leave without Regina.

Emma: For all we know, Regina could have ditched us.

Jiminy Cricket: But what if something is holding her back? Something dangerous.

Snow: Maybe we could wait a little longer.

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