Chapter Four

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"What do you mean you're not human?" I asked him.
"Well. I'm just going to say it. I'm a werewolf." He said
"WHATT?!?!?" I yelled hopping off the couch surprised.
"Calm down Kassadie. It's ok. I won't hurt you! I can't hurt my mate--" he said then stopped abruptly like he wasn't going to tell me I was his mate?! Wait.. Mate?! As in a dog!!! I ran to the door after I figured I could finally stand, and could probably run to safety. Freaking out I threw the door open and ran to the stairs. Before I started down the stairs, strong arms grabbed me around my waist, I already knew who it was. I started kicking and screaming, no way was I going to be a freaking "mate" to him. Yes he was hot and stuff, but I've read the werewolf books, and I know they are total control freaks! "Kassadie, please just listen. I have a lot more to explain."
"Fine. You have an hour! But you have to put me down first." I told him, he put me down and we held hands back to my room.
"Ok. Um.. To start off, I am from a long line of gray werewolves. The werewolf line started in England, and now we live almost everywhere. I currently live here, Miami Florida. But my parents live in England, we have the largest pack in the whole world. My father is the alpha, which makes me next in line. The alpha needs his mate to make them stronger, without a mate you start to loose your temper a lot more. If you don't find a mate when you are older, you start to become dangerous. You could even, say, kid nap a girl to fill the empty spot in your soul, but when the spot isn't filled you will just end up killing her and more innocent people. Most people find there mates in there hundreds, which is why I am so lucky to have found you at the age 19." He told me, sitting not talking for a while letting me take in what he just told me. Ok. So, I guess I am pretty important to him.. Wait... Hundreds?!?
"What do you mean, they find them in there hundreds? How long do you live for? I asked him panicking.
"Well, I actually don't know that. My father is going to turn 591 years old this year." He told me, and I gasped. No way! No way can this be possible! I will die before I even get to 100! This so isn't fair! I thought. "But don't worry. Once I change you, you will stay the same age as me." He said.
"What do you mean change me? I think I'm fine the way I am." I said back.
"Well, there is a process. First I will bite you, then you will have to bite me back. Then I snap your neck, after that you will just be changed into a werewolf. That's why we call it changing you." He said with a smirk like he won. No, I will NOT be a stinky werewolf! Wait....
"Snap my neck?" I asked.
"Yup, you have to die in order to be a werewolf." He told me, then room got dark.


Sorry that the chapter is short. What do you think?!

Also, I will be trying to update at least one chapter a day.

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