Chapter Twenty

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Matt's P.O.V.

"How is she doing??!" I yelled as I ran to catch up to the doctor that just walked out of the room surgery Kassadie was in.

"Strangely, she is doing fine. Her body is healing quite fast, but her brain has some damage. Because of her brain damage, we aren't sure if she will remember very much. We will just have to make sure when she wakes up." He told the whole group (Makenzie, Lucy, Luke, Caroline, and almost the rest of the guys that came with us to America) before starting to walk away.

"When can she have visitors??" I called before he closed a door.

"Not yet. When she is stable." He said and closed the door, jeez, what a friendly doctor.


Kassadie's P.O.V.

"Hey Kass. When we get off this plane, we should totally go shopping" Makenzie said for like the 25th time.

"Ya, ya, ya. Be quiet!" Lucy shouted at her from the opposite side of the plane. It was around midnight and everyone was exhausted , which was weird since we all stay up past midnight every night.

"But I'm soo bored!" She exclaimed.

"Go to sleep then!" She snapped back.

"Jeez. Somebody didn't take their nice pill today." Makenzie said and stuck her tongue out at Lucy, then turned in her seat to face out the window.

I guess I fell asleep at some point because I woke up scared half to death when the plane jerked.

"AHH!" I shrieked.

"Kassadie?! Are you okay?!" Matt asked concerned running up to me, no way was I giving in that easily! I just looked at my phone to see it was four in the morning. FOUR IN THE MORNING?!?

"Aren't we supposed to be landed by now?!" I freak out to no one in particular. I look around the room to see everyone awake and just as scared as I was.

"Yes. I think something is wrong. I'm going to go and check on the pilots with Luke. Stay here!" He told me and walked away towards the front of the plane where the pilots are.

Matt was gone for about ten minutes when the lights went out in the plane. I haven't flown on a plane much, but I really hate them, and this is even worse. I think we are going to die!

I hear sobbing on the right side of me, which should've been impossible because I'm sitting by a window. But I figure 'why not look, even though this is screaming horror movie'. So I look at my right and see a reflection in the window to the other side of me. I keep staring at this random person to see where I remembered this face. It seemed to be really familiar.. I felt a scratch on my left arm, which really hurt by the way.

"Hey! Ouch!!" I tell turning in my seat to see who scratched me, but there wasn't anybody there. No Makenzie, Lucy, or anybody. Everyone disappeared. I turn back to face out the window. "AHHHH!!!!" I scream as I see the face in the window. I know it's weird to scream at your own face, but that wasn't my face.

I kept staring into the window. In my reflection I had burnt skin, so burnt I could see my cheek bones. And my hair wasn't it's normal blonde color, my reflection hair was black with leaves and twigs in it. I was absolutely terrified.

"KASSADIE!" Someone yelled my name, but I was frozen. "Kass! Wake up!" I heard again, so I turn around in my chair to see Makenzie talking to me, and it seems I was asleep again. The lights in the airplane were still on. Hmm.. Odd..

"What??" I asked

"The pilots are from another pack. They said they didn't want us on this plane. If they don't cooperate with us, we are going to have to jump." She said then walked away so I would be able to let that sink in.

We waited for Matt to come back for what seems like forever, but he finally returned with some bad news.

"We have to jump. They said they have parachutes we can use, but the are doubles, so we have to share them." He said walking towards what looked like parachutes, but nobody could know for sure, they were ancient.

"How did they even get on here? Isn't this a private plane?" Lucy asked the very question I was asking myself.

"I don't know. Let's just get off safely for now, talk about it later"

"Are you sure those even work?" It was Makenzie who talked that time.

"No. Now let's go. Stay close to each other. We will be going over a field soon, so we will be fine landing. Just hurry. It's coming up soon."

"I-I-I've n-never done t-this before." I mumbled, stuttering from being scared.

"Go with me down. Please. It's the only way I'll feel safe." He told me.

"Okay." I whispered and walked towards him.

We were in our parachutes with the door open looking down.

"Well who wants to go first?" I asked.

"Us." Lucy said, taking the werewolf that was with her.

"Okay. Now Jim, Kenny, Samual, and Xander go." Matt ordered and they jumped.

In the end, Matt and I were the only ones left when the door burst open to reveal a very pissed off werewolf.

"We said don't take the girl!" He shouted walking towards us.

"She's mine!" He yelled back.

"She supposed to complete the --" he started, but Matt jumped out if the plane with me attached to him, so I couldn't hear the rest.

I yelled until Matt pulled the string and the parachute came out of the backpack, surprisingly not with holes. It was a very nice parachute on the inside.

"AHH!" I screamed when something, or I guess someone, landed on the top of the parachute. I heard some metal slide together, then a huge body slide down the parachute with the knife inside of the fabric. As he slide down, the less room he had before falling to his death, and the bigger the hole was. 'We are going to fall' I thought to myself.

'I hope you know we are going to fall. And when we do, we will hit the ground really hard because there isn't a second chute in this bag. I love you Kassadie Tanner!' I heard Matt say in my head.

'I love you to Matt! And I'm sorry I didn't let you kiss my cheek this morning, or I guess yesterday. I have a bruise on my cheek from a dude in my dreams. He slapped me.'

'And you never told me?!'

He exclaimed 'you know what, this isn't a time for fighting. I forgive you! But just to let you know what that guy was saying in the airplane. He was talking about --'

He never finished that sentence because that's when we hit the ground. I felt the impact. But all I could thing about was 'dang it is hard to get answers around here!!'

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