Your Time Of The Month: Axis

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Ludwig (Germany)

'I jount know bruder. One minute she is crying another shouting, ze next sleeping zen really happy.' Ludwig sighed telling his brother why he was so down. 'Kesesese have jou asked her?' He asked 'No.' ludwig replied sighing. 'For mein awesome bruder and ze power house of Europe, jou can be such a dummkopf. Now take mein awesome advice and go aske jer.' He said patting his shoulder. 'Ja, ja jour awesome danke.' Ludwig said standing from his chair and walking out. He walked to the sitting area were you were drinking coffee. 'Liebe?' He asked you turned to face him and jumped up running to give him a hug. 'Lud!' You yelled jumping into his arms him spinning you. 'Are jou ok liebe? You jave been different lately.' He asked worried. 'Oh Im sorry I can get like that when I am on my period sorry I should have warned you.' You replied. 'Jo do jou need anzing?' He said kissing you cheek. 'Noo....' you said but fell into his arms. He caught you and brought you down to the floor. 'Y/N? Liebe?' He said tapping you cheek, once he realized you were unconscious he picked you up bridal style and carried you to the bedroom. He placed you on the bed with a blanket over you, he then went downstairs. He came back up with some pain killers as well as some water and a hot water bottle he also wrote a note.

To mein Liebe,

I have gone to the shop to buy you what you need as well as chocolate, chips and I will also buy a movie or too for us to watch.

Ich Liebe dich,

Ludwig x

You woke up about ten minutes after he left you saw you were in bed and looked to the side seeing the tray. You read the jote and took the pain killers and drank the water placing the hat water bottle on your abdomen. Once you put the pillows up right so you could sit up comfortably there was a knok at the door. 'Come in.' You called. The door opened to show Ludwig with another tray he placed the knew one on the dresser and got the old one putting it outside of the door and brought the new one over. 'Are jou ok. I did catch jou but it waz pretty sudden?' He asked kissing your forehead. 'Yeah Im ok. Sorry for making you do all this but you didn't have to.' You replied. 'Nein I vanted to. Ich Liebe dich joo much not jou.' He replied he picked up a bag and took out three DVDs and looked at them. 'Wich one do jou vant to watch? I got Flipped, A cinderella stroy and love me if jou dare.' He asked passing you the DVD boxes. You read each one and decided on Love me if you dare. He put it in and went to make popcorn and get the chocolate and chips. He came back with a bowl of Y/F/F popcorn, chocolate, chips and a buch of red and white roses. 'I got jese for jou, zhall we watch the movie?' He asked placing them in the vase by your bed getting in on his side pulling you into his chest. 'Ich liebe dich liebe.' He said kissing you.

Feliciano (Italy)

Your period was here and Feli had know idea what was going on. You get know pain or trouble during this time so there was no change in your self. You were currently hugging Feli as he cried thinking you had beed hurt as he saw some blood in the bathroom. 'Feli Im fine this happens.' You said wich apparently was a bad idea as he cried even more. 'Me bella is going to die!' He yelled crying harder the room was going to become a pond at this rate. 'No...Feli no, Im not going to die all females have this.' You said stroking his hair. 'All the women are foing to die?' He asked shouting. 'No no no. We are not going to die its natural.' You said. He looked at you. 'How is bleeding constantly natural?' He asked calming down. You lead him to the sofa and sat down and began to explain what a period is and why women have them.

kiku (Japan)

Kiku already knew when your period was as he kind of panicked when you did some washing when you first moved in and there was some blood on some of the clothes. So now every month he will go out buy flowers, pokey sticks, chocolate and anything else you need.

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