How He Hugs/ Cuddles You: 2Ps

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Oliver (2pEngland)

He will hug you when you say it is ok, he gets really scared that you dont like him hugging you and that you will hit him like his family does sometimes before he moved out to like nerer to his bakery. You will see he is sat or stood uncomfortably near you and will look away blushing when you look at him. You then realize he wants to hug and you stop what your doing to do so. You will lay on his lap as he reads to you while stroking your hair, or you rest your hed on his shoulder as he holds his arm around you.

Mathieu (2pCanada)

He loves to hug you especially when in public and in front of people so they know you are his. He will hug you from behind and put his head on yours, pick you up and wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, or he will put his head in your lap and listen to your read or rant about your days to eachother.

Allen (2pAmerica)

He is much like Matt when it comes to hugging but he will do it more ofter as in your time spent together is 70% hugging and the rest is doing the days necessities. He will hug you from behind, the front, your shoulders, he will also lay his head in your lap as you both play video games and talk about your days still keeping your promise to not be people.

Luciano (2pItaly)

You dont hug in public but when ever you are both alone or in the presence of Lutz and Flavio only will he hug you. He will pull you onto his lap and hug you from behin there telling you he loves you or whispering it when you are in the presence of Lutz and Flavio.

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