You Die: Allies

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Alfred (America)

You were out on a walk with Alfie as a tree fell. It knocked you oner making you cut your arm on a rock. You arm spurted blood and you qere quickly becoming faint. 'Babe its ok the ambulance is coming.' Alfred said as he hed your hand kissing your head. 'Alfred I wont make it. I am not as immortal anymore, not since I was dissolved I am loosing so much blood.' You whisperd as a few tears fell feom the both of you. 'No you wont your fine. Do you want my jacket?' You nodded and he wrapped it around you. 'I love you.' You said and he smiled at you picking your bad arm up to put it through the sleeve, not realising you had gone limp. 'There...Y/N?' He git no answer and panicked. 'Y/N? Wake up please wake up! I need you dont die! Please Y/N!' He yelled shaking you slightly he ended up being sick from crying and seeing the pool of brown ish blood were it had landed in the mud. The paramedics came and took you away. He stayed crying in his car only to be found two days later by Arthur still crying.

Arthur (England)

'Why?.... Why did you leave me?' Athur asked as he stood over your grave.In the end he could not go through with giving a speach. 'Angleterre.' Francis said pitying the English man. It was a small ceremony with little people just the nordic 5 and Peter who was crying in Emils arms as he hugged him crying also. Tino hugged into Berwalds chest. Mathias had tears running down his face and had his arm around a sniffing Lukas. Alfred was holding Matthews hand a few others came aswell but did not want to be by the graveside ti give those close to you some privicy.

~Flashback~ somewhere on the Irish sea.

'Love quick i need you to pull down that sial on the second mast!' Arthur yelled you ran there only just managing not to slip over the wet deck. A storm had suddly hit and the boat was getting rocked emensly. You stood after tying the rope only then to be pushed over by a wave. You stumbled back going straight overboard. The storm then began to die down as Arthur cast a spell to make the boat get out quicker. He turned around seeing nothing. 'Love?' Hearing nothing and checking the cabins he ran to the side looking overboard. 'Love!' He yelled falling to his knees and crying.


After everyone left to go to the wake Arthur stayed. He felt an hand on his shoulder a turned around. Falling into a sobbing mess in Francis arms. 'The sun should not be out! It should be raining Y/N is no longer on this planet making everyone she meets happy why should it be sunny. She was the light if my life and now she is gone!' He yelled banging his fists on francis chest. 'I know, I know.' He said rubbing Arthurs back. 'No you dont! You still have your girlfriend! She isnt somwhere at the bottom of the fucking sea or washed up on a shore dead! No she is at the wake for someone who didn't even attend her own funeral because her shitty boyfriend took her on that bloody ship and she got washed overboard and died!' He broke down crying into his hands. 'They just buried an empty casket. I never even got to tell her goodbye. I just watched my girlfriends empty casket get lowered into the ground.' He sobbed harder. 'Angleterre I dont know what its like but I know I could not live without mon cheri. So please lets just go to the wake ok? Then you can come back ti my house and stay as long as you need.' Francis atood and offered his hand it being taken after a couple of seconds. 'Ok................I love you Y/N I always will.' Arthur said as he kissed his fingers brushing them over the stode that layed there telling the world you no longer lived upon it.

Francis (France)

'Non! Not again!' Francis yelled trying to get to you. He was held back by two officers as they carried your lifeless body away. You didn't die because you burned but from the fumes and ashes. They announced you dead on 10th of September 2018 at 12:35. Francis broke down in tears hugging onto on of the officers shirts as he cried on the floor. This was the second time he lost his love to a fire. He walked home head hung low as tears fell onto the side walk. He had no idea what to do he had to call Toni to tell him his sister died and plan the funeral of someone he has never loved so much.

Ivan (Russia)

You were walking through the thick forest playing with Cerise when you heaed a gun shot. Looking around you came face to face with a fighting Russia and Russia. Viktor punching Ivan hard of his as he shot you. You fell back against a tree as he ran off. 'Sunflower!' Ivan yelled as he ran ove rhugging you carring you back calling the baltics to be ready. After putting you on the sofa and allowing Toris to check you over he turned ti face Ivan. He had a few tears in his eyes as he looked at the other two baltics, they nodded and he turned back. He stood and took a breath. 'Ivan sir. Y/N is dead.' He told him. Ivan smiled and looked at you and back to him. 'Kholkolkolkol. Funny now stop playing!' He said looking at you again. 'Im sorry.' Toris whispered holding out his arms. 'Sunflower?' Ivan hugged Toris as he cried the others joining the hug and crying as well. Y/N died as soon as she fell against the tree.

Yao (China)

'Yao! Look out!' You yelled as a car pulled out infront of you. He flung his arm across you but it was too late his head hit the steering wheel knocking his out. Your head hit the airbag and the plastic be hind it.Yao never saw you which made you happy in your dying moments you ran your hand along his. You could feel the blook dripping down your face and your crushed leg you were glad he didn't see you like this as you closed your eyes for the last time.

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