When He Gets Sleepy: 2Ps

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Oliver (2pEngland)

He will walk around aimlessly and curl up on the sofa somewhere. You will wake him up to get him into bed but if not you go there alone. He mumbles a bit but not so much it is distracting, unless he is curled up on your lap then it is a bit annoying. He is adorable when he has his hair ruffled and is sleeping with his mouth open so you can head him snore a little.

Mathieu (2pCanada)

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Mathieu (2pCanada)

Well it goes either two ways. He will act lik a cat or will act as tho he is in a competition to get as close as he can. Most of the time he will act like a cat. He will walk around and do random ass shit an climb all over you and sit no were near you after. He will then lay in your lap and get really pissy of you stroke his hair after telling you he likes it. His face is also adorable when he is sleepy his hair comes out from places in his ponytail and if he is wearing his shades they will go crooked he also looks really happy and will constantly snuggle closer to you. Sometimes you end up sleeping on the couch but it is extremely comfy and you wake up in your bed in his arms after he wakes up and carries you there.

 Sometimes you end up sleeping on the couch but it is extremely comfy and you wake up in your bed in his arms after he wakes up and carries you there

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Allen (2pAmerica)

He is the most annoying little child in the universe. He will walk into things and say 'Fuck you (insert object walked into) i hated you anyway.' And groan and compain he is tiered. When you say lets go to bed then he will say no and that sleep is over rated and cry like a baby when you get up to go to bed to get him there if you rally dont want to sleep on the sofa with the apparant 3 year old you are dating. If you dont do that in time you will get a extremely possessive Allen. He will hold you tightly and fall asleep on your shoulder or lap. He mumbles in his sleep too, as well as drewling a bit.
He mumbles things that really make you smile like...
'My Doll.'
'I love...my Y/N ...she is....the....pretty.'
So once he is asleep you cant help but smile at bow adorable this 3 year old is.

'So once he is asleep you cant help but smile at bow adorable this 3 year old is

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Luciano (2pItaly)

He will walk round the room for an hour or more moaning about anything he can like his brother, work, people, Lutz and other pointless things to complain about. When you tell him to go to bed he will actually be quite hurtfull. He would say why dont you go to bed or some other comment that's either sexist or to do with not understanding. He has only ever made you cry once but that was when you started dating. He will instantly rush to you and hug you when he sees you upset by whatever he said and lay on top of you falling asleep instantly. You will however get switched so you are ontop as he mumbles a 'Ti amo'. You still love this grumpy Italian tho as you ,would never tell him, find it extremely cute.

 You still love this grumpy Italian tho as you ,would never tell him, find it extremely cute

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