You Text: Axis

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Ludwig (Germany)

You were in bed after you had passed out earlyer in the garden. Ludwig had obviously carried you upstairs and into bed. When you woke you found a note on your bedside table with a rose.


I have had to go to the meeting in the center of Berlin as I cannot afford to miss out on my own meeting and need to keep the others from killing eachother. Gil has gone down to the shop to get you medicine he will be back in a bit and will get you something to eat. Please dont move out of bed I will be home soon.

Ich liebe dich x

You smiled at the paper when you got a message. Looking at the Id that read My Knight you smiled opening the text.

My Knight: Ich liebe dich Y/n I hope you are ok the meeting will be over in an hour and a half so I will be home then. Gilbert said he will make pancakes when he gets back and put on a movie downstairs if you really want to move I will get the dr out later. Ich liebe dich
You: I think im getting a cold or somthing but I am find especially when I have the world greatest boyfriend ever. I will see about moving when Gilbert comes home I think he just came in so I will see you soon dont worry about me just yet and dont get a dr out we can see in the morning ok? I love you too x
My Knight: I can ask Mathias if somthing is happening in Denmark at the moment to see if it just a cold or political. Please dont stress your self out as much as I trust and love my brother, dont tell him that, I dont want him to carry you if you do pass out. I do worry about you. Ich liebe dich x
You: Ok but do that when you get in I might call him in a bit but Gilbert is home so I will see you when you get in and I wont tell Gilbert that you love or trust him but I do so I will go downstairs and watch a movie and he wouldn't bring me upstairs even if I did pass out he would put me on the sofa.
My Knight: Ich libe dich
You: I live you too.

Then Gilbert came up and you watched a movie with him downstairs eating pancakes.

Feliciano (Italy)

You were on the sofa wrapped in blankets with tissues watching the tv while feli went shopping.

You: can you get me some medicine I think Im catching a cold.
My Love: Si bella I will be home as qick as I can ti amo
You: I love you too

You then fell asleep.

Kiku (Japan)

Kiku was at a meeting in China and would be back later. You were with out a doubt becoming sick and he said he wiuld by you medicine on the way back. You then got a message the Id being Love of my life.

Love of my life: Kon'nichiwa whats up how are you feeling now.
You: hello not wall Maria
Love of my life: 😂 are you feeling any better
You: No
Love of my life: Im on the way home with medicine stay were you are.
You: ok

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