21. A Different Way.

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"You're what?"

Moonbyul listened to the boys debate back and forth about the recent situation when Jinyi dropped the bomb that she must undertake a trip with Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon.

"We're going to Germany," Jinyi repeated, "And till we're gone, you guys will stay clear of any trouble outside the gang. That means you need to stay low. Maintain regular routines and no digging into the enemy till I return."

"Why are you going to Germany?" Namjoon asked.

"To extract Jaejoong," she replied.

The mention of her father perked Moonbyul's ears up. She straightened in her seat and immideatly began asking question, "Dad? Is he alright? Why is he in Germany? Wasn't he in Prague?"

The boys exchanged sympathetic yet relieved glances at Moon once before focusing back on their leader, "He was, but he had to escape. Germany is where he is hiding, thanks to a friend. But we have to go get him. He can only do this alone for so long."

"Jinyi's right," Jin sighed as he faced the others, "I spoke to Taehyung and the Namwon lead wasn't vain. We might have some very vital information that we can sit upon till Jaejoong is brought back safely. And I think," he turned to face Moonbyul, "We have to maintain normalcy for now."

"Jin is right," Namjoon rubbed the bridge of his nose lightly, "Jimin and Hoseok," he then faced the hacker and the muscle of the group, "Get their tickets and visa's ready. Get the private jet ready. They fly tonight."

"Y-Yes," They nodded, with Jimin sounding slightly reluctant.

"The rest of us will do as we always have. Stay on our toes but live the routine life. The enemy mustn't even get air about Jinyi leaving," he instructed everyone and they nodded.

Yoongi, who had been silent this whole time, finally turned to face their boss with a serious look and a poker face, "I will ask you this one last time, Jinyi. Are you hundred percent sure about this?"

"Yes," Jinyi gave a firm nod and Yoongi nodded as well, very lightly.

Moonbyul noticed his face harden even more as one by one the boys began leaving the room. Jimin and Hoseok went ahead to devise a plan to help Jinyi, Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon. While Jin, who had just received another text from Taehyung, went ahead to receive the youngest two.

The room now held only Jinyi, Yoongi, Namjoon and Moon.

The moment the door closed behind them, Namjoon looked at Jinyi, "I don't feel like you should go alone."

"I am not alone. I have Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon," she sighed as she walked towards table that had her bag and her laptop.

"Eunhyuk," Yoongi spoke with a chilling cold tone, "I get. But Hyoyeon...does she have any field experience at all?"

"Hyoyeon grew up with me. She knows how to wield a gun better than me and can slice through a crowd of armed men with one pocket knife."

Jinyi's description of Hyoyeon's skills reminded her of the time when she had effortlessly pulled out guns from under the knives and shot the enemy in her house. Without blinking.

Hyoyeon was badass, there was no denying it.

"Nayong will be staying at the compound," she glanced at Yoongi who didn't show any response to it. But still, Moonbyul could imagine a mental picture of his mind heaving a sigh of relief, "And Joon, you are incharge now."

There was a brief silence in the room. Namjoon was staring into space, not really able to comprehend or agree.

Something about Jinyi's tone was odd.

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