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The Youtube Forum is just one of the many games that the teacher had invented for the boys' daily activities. It is also a way to help a student open up with their feelings and emotions.

The game was simple. The students will be sat in a circle and all of them will have their eyes closed . The teacher will walk behind them and then taps one student on his shoulder. That student will be then blindfolded and he will answer the question teacher will draw out from the 'comment box' . Those who aren't chosen for the round can open their eyes so that they can watch their blindfolded classmate answer. The game is literally based on the Social Media app called Youtube where the viewers can see you talk but you can't see them hence being blindfolded.

Inside the comment box are the questions that the boys wrote themselves. They wrote at least two questions each which means there will be 34 questions and the teacher will add six more to make it 40.

The chosen student is not allowed to pass or ignore a question. If the student was able to answer the question, everyone will close their eyes again and the teacher will take the blindfold off and will choose another student. The game will continue until everyone gets a turn.

To say Hansol was very nervous is an understatement. He is not sure if he can really open up infront of the boys and he is also scared. What if the boys just make fun of him?

The teacher asks the boys to form a circle in the middle of the classroom. Since they were wearing white pants, they can't sit on the floor. So they just drag chairs with them to sit on. Once the circle formed, the teacher ask the boys to close their eyes.

Some excitedly complied on while Some were very hesitant but they still did it for the sake of the game.

When the teacher is sure that the boys won't cheat, she began to walk behind them to choose the first player. Hansol can feel his heart hammering on his chest as he sat there on his chair, silently hoping that he wouldn't get chosen just yet. He could feel himself tense up when the teacher walked pass behind him and was relieved when he didn't feel a tap on his shoulder.

A few minutes later, Someone had finally been chosen. The chosen student was then blindfolded by the teacher and others were allowed to open their eyes. Some of them are shocked to see who the chosen boy was and some was just relieved that they weren't chosen.

Every one of them waited for the teacher to draw the question. When the question had been drawn, the teacher read it outloud.

"How would you describe yourself in one word?"

Hansol sighs. He was the one who wrote that question.

The student cleared his throat.


"And why is that?" The teacher asked.

"I love to write songs, compose even and one day i want to be, no,  i will be an aspiring Composer and also a Producer because making music is a passion of mine. Music is my life and i won't exchange it for anything in the world" Even though he was blindfolded, Jihoon still answered with confidence. His voice held no hesitation nor fear. He sounded determined.

The teacher smiled while Hansol was in aww. Jeonghan was also in aww and he couldn't stop the new found admiration for the small male.

"Daebak Jihoonie!" Seokmin said, momentarily forgetting that they were still playing a game. He was immediately shushed by Seungkwan while Jihoon blushed at Seokmin's words.

The game continues again and this time it was Soonyoung's turn.

"What is the one thing in the world that you would never give up?" The teacher asked.

The red head answered without hesitation.


"Why Dancing?"

Soonyoung smiled to himself as Jihoon's words swam in his mind. The small male gave him an inspiration like feeling and he loves that feeling.

"Because Like Jihoonie, I also aspire to reach my dream, to be a great dancer or maybe even a choreographer. Dancing is not just a talent for me, Dancing is also a friend of mine. Whenever i feel stressed or sad, Dancing helps lighten up my mood and forget my problems, even for just a moment. That's why i would never give up my Dancing. EVER"

Soongyoung finished, lowkey feeling proud of himself because he got to finally express his Love for Dancing. Jihoon was also secretly proud of his classmate and was already planning something on his mind, maybe make a collaboration with the red head. His music and Soonyoung's Dancing, who knows how great it will be.

The teacher was also proud and the game preceeds once again. This time it was Mingyu's turn.

"Would you sacrifice Love for the approval of others?"

That was another deep question and Mingyu wasn't sure if he could deliver an answer. Still he tried.

"No, i would never do that"

"Why not? Is the approval of others not important?"

Mingyu shakes his head no.

"The only approval i need is from the person i love. I don't care if others don't give their approval to me as long as i have the person i love beside me, i'm all set because Love is more important than anything in the world. I'd rather sacrifice all the materials in the world because Love is already enough to keep me alive"

As Mingyu delivered his answer, admittedly Wonwoo was on his mind therefore making him a blushing mess the whole time. It's a good thing that he can't see the boys' reactions. He'd die of embarrassment if he did.

Following Mingyu to be questioned was none other than Wonwoo who was strangely blushing because of  Mingyu's answer.

"What part of your body does you feel would change?"

Wonwoo answered. " I like my body....... but....."

"But what?"

Wonwoo was admittedly embarrassed of what his answer is gonna be but still he finds his courage and confidently answered. "I'd like more chest muscle"

"And i could also use a little bit of height. I'd like maybe 3 more centimeters from my current height" The emo boy added.

"Why would you want to have more height? Do you feel short?" The teacher's question earned a laugh from Soonyoung who was giving Jihoon a teasing look.

Wonwoo shakes his head no.

"Not really, It's just that there is this one boy here in class that's about 3-4 centimeters taller than me—"

All eyes immediately went to Mingyu who turned red because it was obvious that Wonwoo was refering to him.

"—and when i look up to him, I find it appealing" 

Mingyu looks down at his lap, he felt warm from his neck to his cheeks, he is no doubt blushing like a tomato. The boys were giving him teasing looks and suggestive smiles. They do that just to annoy Mingyu.

The tall boy doesn't even know why he felt so embarrased. It's not like Wonwoo was hinting at something, Yes he may have indirectly said that he finds Mingyu's height attractive but surely that doesn't mean anything. Right?

Jihoon shakes his head disapprovingly at the boys.

"Kids. I'm surrounded with Kids"

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