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Apart from Jeonghan's quiet sobs, silence filled the car. Seungcheol's grip tightened on the steering wheel as they neared the vicinity of the Hospital. The Hospital was only a forty minute drive from the boys' dorm so it didn't take that long for the two to reach the place.

Seungcheol parks the car and Jeonghan immediately bolts out of the car. He entered the Hospital and straightaway headed to the nurses' station.

"How may i help you sir?"

"The two boys from the car crash, where are they!?" Jeonghan asked, getting frantic by the minute.

"One of the boys is waiting in the patient ward and the other
boy is still in the emergency." The nurse explained. Jeonghan looks at the nurse in exasperation.

"What room in the patient ward miss?" Seungcheol asked, appearing behind Jeonghan.

"Room 17"

Seungcheol nods at the nurse and pulls Jeonghan with him. They walked down many hallways until they found one with the patient ward marker. Jeonghan almost rans ahead if it weren't for Seungcheol having a grip on his arm.

They continued walking until they reached the last room, they entered and instantly saw a familiar mop of light blond hair. the boy was sitting alone in a bed in the furthest corner of the room. Jeonghan freed himself from Seungcheol's grip and hurriedly went to the boy's side.

Jeonghan didn't waste any second and pulls Seungkwan in a hug. Tears pricked his eyes and the worry that he was feeling was somehow lessened now knowing that one of his boys are safe.

Apart from a casted arm and a few bruises, Seungkwan was fine. Tired but fine. Jeonghan was relieved because of that. He pulls away from the hug and immediately frowned when he saw the blank look on the younger's face.

"Hey what's with the face? Have you eaten anything? Do you need to rest? Does something hurt? Do i need to call the doctor?"

This is the first time Seungcheol had seen Jeonghan act like this towards Seungkwan. Like a mother hen worried about her child. This is a side of Jeonghan that Seungcheol never expected to see and he also finds it cute.

Instead of giving any response, Seungkwan only stared at Jeonghan. He was staring so intently that it made his hyungs uncomfortable.

Seungcheol frowned at the way Seungkwan was acting. It was not like him to be this bland and Seungcheol felt guinely worried as Jeonghan towards the younger.

"Come on Kwannie, talk to me" Jeonghan tries again to get a reaction, any reaction from the younger but still got none. Seungkwan still remained blank. Sighing in defeat, Jeonghan backs away a little and gives Seungcheol a worried look.

Seungcheol doesn't also have a clue on what was happening with their friend, he desperately wants to know about the accident, what happened and why it happened but Seungkwan  is the only one at the moment who can provide the answers for that and he wasn't making it any easy on his hyungs to get him to talk.

The doctor entered the room and greeted the two older boys before tending to the younger. He asked basic questions such as how he felt, is he feeling pain somewhere and so forth. But even the doctor got the silent treatment from Seungkwan.

The doctor sighs and Jeonghan instantly felt more worried. That sigh didn't sound good. At all.

"Well...Mr. Boo recieved the easy side of the accident. He has a broken wrist from getting his arm stuck in the steering wheel, it will heal in three weeks time. Aside from that, a body sore and a few bruises, you're friend will recover just fine"

So far that was good news to Jeonghan's ear but still that wasn't enough to put him at ease. Seungkwan might be fine physically, but what about mentally and emotionally? The way Seungkwan is behaving right now is far from a 100% recovery.

The doctor notices the grim look on Jeonghan's face and he suddenly felt unsure, He just told them a good news but their reactions was the total opposite of what he was expecting. How will then the two boys react when he tells them the downside of the news.

"What about the other boy? Where is he? When can we see him?" Seungcheol asked seeing that Jeonghan was not in the mood to talk.

"Mr. Chwe is already out of surgery. He will be transfered in a private room and I recommend that he stays here for a couple days. We still need him under observation and if he checks out good, he will be discharged by then"

Seungcheol nodded. He wasn't really paying attention to what the doctor was saying as his mind was more focused on seeing Hansol and make sure the boy was okay. He was as worried for Hansol as much as Jeonghan is worried for Seungkwan.

"Doctor you said Seungkwan got the easy side of the accident, does that mean the other boy is........"
Seungcheol couldn't continue as fear clouded his mind. Fear of knowing what damage his dongsaeng had went through.

The doctor sighs again. Him sighing really makes Jeonghan more scared by the minute. It makes him think of the worst case scenarios possible and he doesn't like it one bit.

"We had to give him stitches and tend to his bruises, livid ones. He was sitting where the impact was great. Your friend is lucky to have no broken bones, not even a sprain. Only bruises, surely a body sore and a concussion"

Seungcheol felt his heart break a little and he was slightly tearing up. Just thinking of what Hansol went through made Seungcheol hate himself. He couldn't help but blame himself for what happened. But hearing Hansol was gonna be alright had somehow lessened the weight on Seungcheol's shoulder, that was probably one of the best news Seungcheol has ever heard.

Jeonghan was also happy that Hansol was also gonna be okay but still he couldn't help but frown as he moves his gaze to Seungkwan. The boy was still blank and not a word was heard from him. Physically, Jeonghan is positive that Seungkwan will recover just fine but Emotionally and Mentally? Jeonghan can't say the same.

Jeonghan fears that the accident will cause a great change on Seungkwan and he is not ready for that. He is scared of that thought actually.


The doctor suddenly interjected, snapping Jeonghan out of his thoughts. Jeonghan takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for what the doctor has to say. Seungcheol transferred himself behind Jeonghan, placing comforting hands of the latter's shoulders.

"As you may have noticed, your friend, Mr. Boo, is acting differently. His odd behaviour is the result of being in an accident, He is suffering a trauma.A mild one at that, but with your help and support he will recover eventually."


A very difficult or unpleasant experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems usually for a long time. A LONG TIME. Jeonghan doesn't know how will he handle that. Admittedly he did want Seungkwan to learn how to shut up but he didn't want it this way. Never in this way, he'd rather have a noisy but happy Seungkwan than a silent and sad one.

The doctor explained some more things like Hansol being transfered in a different room and Seungkwan's discharge papers. He then left and immediately silence blanketed the room. Seungcheol sighs and walks to Seungkwan's bedside, he sat on the bed and wraps an arm around the younger, being careful of the casted arm before placing Seungkwan's head gently on his shoulder.

"Everything will be alright Kwannie. Hansol will be alright" He said reassuringly, giving Seungkwan's shoulder a light squeeze.

Jeonghan felt tears pricked his eyes. This has got to be one of the sweetest things Seungcheol had done with one of the boys. Seungcheol looks away from a now sleeping Seungkwan and catches Jeonghan's gaze on him.

He smiled and Jeonghan mouthed words that made his heart skip a beat.

"Thank you Cheolie"

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