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Since some of you have asked,  here's a sneek peak for CHANGE versus US (Coming Soon)

No One's POV

(Sneek Peak)

Jisoo got on his car, placing his messenger bag neatly on the passenger's seat and turned on the engine. He puts on his seatbelt and was about to drive when his phone vibrated from his dashboard.

In curiousity, he took his phone and opens it, stunned by amount of texts and calls that he missed, all coming from one person. His phone vibrated again and another text message pops up, still coming from the same person.

He frowned in confusion for that person rarely, like really rarely, sends him text messages, calls even, but despite still feeling greatly puzzled, he clicked on the message. What he read instantly gave him a mixed of feelings. He immediately began pulling out of the parking lot while also trying to type out a response in a haste.

When the message was sent, Jisoo was already out in the open road. He messily throws his phone on the passenger's seat and didn't hesitate to step on the gas pedal, making the car practically flew down the road.

Luckily there was no traffic and Jisoo arrived twenty minutes later, not at his house sadly, but at the police station.

Grabbing his phone, he hurriedly got out of the car and almost ran inside the station and straight to the police desk he went.

"Excuse me" Jisoo paused to catch his breath "I was told that my brother was brought here. Where is he?"

The Officer, who looks bored with his job, sighs and types in something on his keyboard. Still looking bored beyond relief, he faced  Jisoo again. "Yes he was brought here an hour ago."

Jisoo wordlessly shakes his head, the feeling of disappointment slowly creeping onto him. "Where is he?"

"Holding Cell 17, Just down this hallway Sir."

Jisoo thanked the officer who only gave a mere nod in return.

Jisoo walk down the said hallway and not long after he found the holding cell and inside the cell was indeed his bestfriend who for the past years he had treated like a real brother.

He approached the cell with so much annoyance painted all over his face. He sat down on the bench provided for the visitors and lets out a deep sighs. The person inside the cell finally taking notice of his presence but did nothing to acknowledge him but gave a mere eye roll.

Someone takes a sit beside the older american man and Jisoo  didn't have to look to know who it was because there won't be anyone else but the lawyer who also happened to be Jisoo's uncle, that will help Jisoo and his brother get out of the problem. Again.

Jisoo sighs deeply once more and groans internally, "What did he do this time Uncle?"

The old man sighs and cleared his throat. "At 4:00 pm earlier this day, a passerby spotted a group of boys vandalizing a restaurant, One of those boys was your brother. They spray painted all the walls and broke some of the windows with bricks. The manager of the restaurant was out and only two personnel were present at that time. Both hiding at the storage room in fear. The passerby immediately called in the station and the group of boys were immediately brought into custody, many of them managed to escape or outrun the police. The only reason your brother didn't get to escape is because one of the officers had shot him in the leg, therefore immobilizing him and is now being kept in here until someone bails him out. Again."

Disappointment,Annoyance and Betrayal, that is just to name a few of the emotions running through Jisoo's mind right now. Moreso, Feeling deeply hopeless.

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