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After their "ring ceremony" as Seokmin called it. They continued with their breakfast. When finished, some took care of cleaning the dishes while the others went to take a bath ot shower. Depending on what mood they are in. While the donsaengs get ready for practice, some of the hyungs are already at the dance space. Doing some warm ups while waiting for the others to join them.

Soonyoung walks in the dance space followed by one donsaeng, Seungkwan. Soonyoung walks to the wall mirror and began doing his own warm up routine, Seungkwan plops down on the farthest corner of the room and hyungs immediately gave him a look of concern.

"Is he having another episode?" Jisoo asked as he stood beside Jeonghan a few feet from where their donsaeng is seated.

Jeonghan lets out a tired sigh and nods his head. Jihoon joined them, he glanced at Seungkwan before turning to the hyungs.

"How long does it usually last?" Jihoon asked.

"I Don't Know, he hadn't had that much episodes yet. This is like the second.......no third.....third time. The first one lasted for about half a day while the second one lasted a whole day. There is no consistency yet" Jeonghan answered and Jihoon sighs.

"Well there's nothing we can really do right now. Let's just ask Seungcheol hyung to call Dr. Jeon later" The two older hyungs agreed with Jihoon and the three just proceeded to do warm ups with the others.

The other boys finally joined them not long after and the practice began.........well they tried but a certain donsaeng was not cooperating and the hyungs couldn't help themselves but scold their donsaeng. The pressure of their situation adding up to the frustration pent up within them from the past few days came with their scolding. The boys are practically venting towards their member.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you being like that? So stubborn and annoying!"

"If you don't want to perform then leave. We don't need slackers in the group"

"Save us the pain and go. You're now starting to become a deadweight for us"

"Why are you being a burden?!"

Jeonghan silenced the boys and gave them a glare. He stood infront of the donsaeng and points a finger to the boys

"If i hear another insult, complaint or any thing bad that comes from your mouth. A punishment will be served and i don't care who gets it. You're the hyungs, you're suppossed to be the understanding ones and not the other way around. Instead of scolding your donsaeng,  you must help them. Now apologi-"
Jeonghan turns around but Seungkwan was no longer behind him. In fact, he's no longer in the dance space. He must've left while Jeonghan was giving the boys an earful.

Jeonghan turned back to the boys with an exasperated look on his face. The boys looks away or looks down, anything to avoid making eye contact with the angry hyung.

Suddenly there was a loud crash followed by a yelp of pain. Jeonghan didn't waste any second and ran out of the room to find the source. It came from one of the bathrooms on the second floor.

Jeonghan ran up the stairs as another crash was heard. The boys' heavy footsteps following closely behind Jeonghan. They all rushed to the first bathroom only to find it locked and they could hear crying coming from the inside.

Jeonghan began furiously banging on the door, shouting at to the one inside to open the door. More crashing was heard and Jeonghan is now feeling desperate and anxious. Hansol pushed his way through the crowd and began banging on the door as well.

Soon, Seungcheol banged on the door too.

While the commotion in the bathroom continues, a phone began ringing but the owner of the phone, Jisoo, did't get to answer as his attention was somewhere else.

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