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Izuku's POV

I'm sick of it.

I'm sick of all this bullying.

I'm sick of being looked down upon.

I'm sick of living.



"What's wrong bitch? Already giving up?" My childhood friend, Bakugo, growled at me as he kicked me in the gut for the fifth time.

Him and his goons had surounded me a bit ago and started beating the crap out of me. I had just walked out of school too. People passed, but they didn't care. No one cares about a quirkless boy.

I barely managed to say anything before he kicked me again. "Answer me shitty nerd!"

With all my strength I responded, "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" At that point I didn't care what people thought of me, I just wanted to go home. I just wanted to be left alone for once.

Before I knew it, he signalled for his goons to leave. When they did, I was left alone with him.

Bakugou grabbed me by my greasy green mop of hair and pulled me closer to his face. "What was that shit head?" He glared daggers at me before I quickly averted my gaze toward the ground.

"I said to leave me alone," I barely whispered.

"Sure, I'll leave you alone." Bakugou started, "When you take a swan dive off that roof. Maybe you'll be blessed enough to come back with a quirk while your at it."

I was so taken aback by that comment, I froze. Bakugou let go of me and walked off towards his house, but I just sat there. I thought for a moment, it might be better than the life I have now.

I then struggled to stand up, but when I did, I brushed myself off and started making my way back home. Bakugou really did give me a good beating today, I think he may have broken a rib.


When I started my walk home, I decided to take a detour so I wouldn't run into Kacchan. On my way I started hearing whispering behind me, but when I turned around there was nothing there.

After a couple more times I started getting creeped out to the point where I was about to run. Though before I could take off, I was grabbed by something.

"What a nice body," it whispered. "You could be useful." Before I knew it, I was pulled into some kind of sludge.

"Don't struggle too much." It added as it started choking me. I was about to pass out before I heard an, "I am here!"

When I looked up, I saw All Might standing there in a pose, ready to punch. When he does, he then quickly grabbed me away from the monster before I got harmed.

I fell to the ground coughing for a bit before All Might offered his hand, to which I took. When off the ground, I looked up at All Might while he was screwing the sludge monster into a bottle.

"Well my boy, it's time for me to head off now. Be careful next time." As he started off, I quickly grabbed onto his leg. Before I knew it, we were in the air.

Having landed when All Might took notice of me clinging onto his leg, he asked me what I needed.

"Well All Might sir... can someone without a quirk become a hero like you?" Trying not to studder on each word, I averted my eyes away from the bulky man. But to my surprise, he said something unbelievable.

"I'm sorry my boy, but someone without a quirk has no place becoming a hero, why not try for something more realistic." Snapping my eyes back onto his, I could see the pity, regret, sorrow, all of the emotions he was feeling. "Don't get me wrong my boy, you can still become something great--"

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