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A/N: This chapter has been edited.


Izuku's POV


Whose Sensei? I don't understand these villains. It seemed that Tomura Shigaraki was the leader, but I guess I was wrong.

"Who is that? Your leader?" I stared blankly at Tomura.

He stared back for a minute before replying with a smile, "Oh, you'll find out soon."


After Tomura finally let me out of that awful room, I was brought further into the hideout. It seemed like we had been walking for ages through a maze, but what had actually only been ten minutes, we finally made it to a heavy, steel door.

I looked up to Tomura quizzically, "Is this where your 'Sensei' is?" Putting the air quotes on Sensei.

He didn't look back at me, instead, he kept staring forward at the door. "So, I'm guessing you want me to go in?" I sighed. This was already a long enough day, being harsh and bitter in itself. But to my distress, he nodded.

UGGGGHHH... This place is creepy as is, and now you take me through this goddamn maze to these giant ass doors. LOVELY.

Entering, there was nothing but darkness. Though upon realizing it, there was a faint light about two hundred feet away. All I can think is; 'this vibe is terrific,' note my sarcasm.

Walking down the dark path, I heard a voice. "Come," it said. I do not want to be here. I wanna cry, but I pushed the feeling away. 'You've gotta be strong Midoriya, you can do this... no, you can't, turn back NOW.'

Before I could turn back, there was the same voice, "Midoriya, I wouldn't leave if I were you. Leaving will just make things worst." The deep voice echoed through the large room. The undertone of the voice was laced with venom as if it did not want me to leave. HAAA... So I did the most knowledgeable thing, I answered.

"Um, how did you know I was going to leave? And who are you? Wait, you must be that Sensei guy Tomura was talking about, right? Can you tell me why I'm here and where I am, as well as where you are? I literally can't see a thing, you should install more lights. I almost tripped twice, and I bruise easily. By the way, can i ask if this place is a maze? I feel every time I move, I get farther away from that tiny light. And---"

"Do you ever stop talking." The voice cut me off, "am I allowed to answer your questions without having you ask more questions? If so, thank you." Oh, oops, I think I pissed this guy off.

"First of all, I'm right behind you," I turned around, and as I did he must've turned all the lights on because it suddenly got a lot brighter. Seeing how huge this guy was, definitely put me in an uncomfortable situation. I mean, honestly, wasn't this all an awkward situation from the beginning.

Thinking of all the options, I was pulled out of my head when 'Sensei' spoke, "I hear you want to join us." I tried not to laugh. This guy thinks I joined willingly. Wait... I did, but that's not the point, I was put on the spot.

"Not really," I responded. "More like reviving a dead person to what? What do you want from me?" I didn't understand these villains' true intentions, why me?

"All you need to know is I am All For One and whether you like it or not, you are now a part of The League of Villains. We strive to accomplish what some yearn; power, money, but most of all freedom. Freedom from all those heroes who don't give what is needed, but instead take what they want." He turned toward the door, to which then it opened revealing the others.

"Well, well, well, looks like you lied to us lil' Izuku." I grimaced at Shigaraki's nickname for me, "Do you think we went through all that trouble just to bring you back here and give you a spot as a villain, because if so, you're definitely not as smart as I thought you were." He and the others quickly surrounded me, forcing me into a corner.

"Grab him."

Before I could make a run for it, some of them grabbed ahold of me and pinned me down. I struggled, kicking and punching. But of course, none of it worked. It was as if they knew I was going to fight.

So after tiring myself out, they finally made an effort to move me. Once I was picked up, we started walking. Well for me it was more like dragging. They dragged me into a different room than before. Instead, it had a bunch of machines and tools. I'm gonna be completely honest and say I am scared, I am completely terrified. I almost don't want to know what their about to do to me.

As they started pulling me inside, which was my cue to start struggling again. Though as much as I pulled and shoved, nothing was working. At one point I think they got sick of it because the last thing I remember was a pinch in my neck and everything turned black.


When I awoke, all I could see was pitch black. My ears were ringing so the most I could here were less than tiny mumbles. I could not feel any of my muscles, so I believe they may have me on a sedative so I won't or wouldn't have struggled. Then, I could sense other people in the room, so I knew I wasn't alone.

After a while, maybe a couple of minutes, I think they started to notice I had woken up because I felt someone touch my ankle. And when they did, it took me by surprise so I tried to flinch away from their touch noticing that I had been strapped down.

"Oh, you're awake I see," a sickeningly familiar voice rang out. "Ah, so the sedative wore off, eh? Seems like you  can feel and hear now." I swear to God, this guy will be the death of me. Tomura Shigaraki, how I only wish he'd take his hand off me.

"You see, I don't want to cause you trouble or anything Mister Shigaraki, but would you ever be so kind to get your filthy hands off me. Please and thank you." I instantly regretted what I said because the next thing I know, I feel something burn my ankle.

"AH SHIT!!" I screamed hoarsely.

"That's a bit rude, don't you think," The voice was different this time, smoother you could even say. "I believe you should apologies to poor ol' Shigaraki, for he's done nothing but be kind to you and offer you a hand or two." He lightly chuckled.

Next thing I know, my blindfold is being taken off. I then understood what he had meant. Shigaraki was standing right next to my head, while the one I believe was introduced as 'Dabi' stood by my feet.

Dabi then nodded off toward the corner of the room to where I could see the one named 'Toga' stood. She seemed to have nodded back at him, then flipped a switch that had then released me.

I quickly tried to sit up but I was brought back down by Shigaraki. He was holding my shoulders down. My next attempt was to try and move my feet, but those were grabbed ahold of too.

"Ah, ah, ah. No one said you could move." I stared up at Shigaraki who leant over my face. The next act I had proceeded to carry out was probably not my smartest idea, but it was the best I had.

Before I knew it, I spat in his face.

Let me just tell you right now, the man was not quite pleased with my reaction. He slowly wiped my spit off his face prior to looking up at Dabi. Not even a second later, I felt another burn course through my opposite ankle.

I let out another hoarse cry from the back of my throat. I felt dizzy, extremely dizzy. It was as if something was clawing its way through my muscle and bone, definitely not as bad as the other.

"Serves you right, why even try? There was no point in spitting in my face. You must have known you were going to be punished for it. And we haven't even started telling you all the things we've done to you while you were still passed out." Shigaraki chortled.

He kept going on and on, but by then my ears were ringing again and everything was getting hazy. I didn't want to black out again, I mean as he said before, they have been experimenting on me. But I couldn't stay awake any longer.


Word Count: 1,476

Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors...(·̿Ĺ̯·̿ ̿)


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