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A/N: Here's a little gif to make up for the time. . . 😥


Third POV

Weeks after the kidnapping(?), Izuku awoke.

The villains tested out their new serum, which practically brought the dead back to life, had worked. It had taken quite some time to set in at first because the body needed to be over a week old. So, All For One had made sure that Tomura wouldn't use it an earlier.

Now, a month and a half later, the League of Villains had a clear view of what to do. Getting Izuku Midoriya on their side was a piece of cake, for he had already seemed to despise All Might.




The villains had heard this and quickly made their way to a room in the back of their hideout. Upon their arrival, Tomura put his hand up before anyone could enter the room, then whispered, "I'll go first."

When he opened the door, it had made a squeaking sound that Izuku had heard and so he whipped his head around to see who had entered. When Izuku saw Tomura he started freaking out.

"Where am I, and what and I doing here?" He questioned. At this Tomura sighed deeply before responding. "You are in our hideout of course. For what you're doing here, we are obviously recruiting you." His voice seethed with venom as if it were to be obvious why the the boy was here.

"Why do you want me to join you? I have nothing to offer." Izuku was now extremely confused. In his eyes, he was nothing but a useless, quirkless boy who gets bullied too much. So now he needed to know what these villains had seen in him. He looked strangely at the villain, waiting for the answer he was now so willingly dying for.

The next two seconds had seemed like hours to Izuku before Tomura had spoken up. "What do you mean you have 'nothing to offer', you have plenty." Tomura wasn't trying to give away too much, just to see if Izuku understood what they wanted.

At this point Izuku wasn't buying into the villain's heap of words, it sounded like a façade to him, too fake to seem realistic. At this, he spoke up. "What do you really want? All I can do is get beat up and take notes. . ." That's when it hit him, the real reason they wanted him. They didn't actually want him, they wanted his brain, his knowledge and notes on hero's.

"Oh, I see now," Izuku looked Tomura dead in the eye. "You want my knowledge. My head full of notes and material I've gathered from hero's over the years. Though the real question is, why take me instead of just taking my notes? I can't seem to figure out what you really want from me other than knowledge. . ." At this point he was mumbling on and on about the certain possibilities for why the villain's had kidnapped him.

To this, Tomura was getting annoyed. All the boy was doing was mumble on and on about something so little, and had no meaning or purpose in the current situation. All he could think was, we've caught a good one.

"Well Izuku Midoriya, it is true that we want your brain and knowledge, it could be percieved as useful around here, but that's not all we want. Like I said before, you've got plenty of characteristics to offer." At this Izuku cut in, "Like what?"

"Like your hate for heroes." At that he got quiet. Izuku didn't know how to respond to Tomura's antics, but he had to say something. "Alright, you got me there, so what? You just think I'm gonna join you guys?" Tomura looked blankly at him, "Well, yeah."

"Oh," Izuku looked around the room, thinking for a minute before responding. "Alright."

"Wait really?" Tomura was astonished to why the boy just gave in. He thought he was going to have to torture him or something. "Well, okay. Though you just took the fun out of it. Wait here, I'll introduce you to some of the other members."

"Ah, hold on," Izuku made sure the man stopped before speaking again. "Before you go I need to ask. . . What is your goal?"

Tomura thought for a second before replying, "Isn't it obvious? To kill the 'Symbol of Peace', All Might." And with that, he walked out.

Returning five minutes later, the door again squeaked opened and in stepped two more villains. The one on the right had purple burn marks and stitches on his body, he introduced himself as 'Dabi'. While the other one had a crazed expression on her face and her haired was tied up in two messy blonde buns, she then introduced herself as 'Toga'.

"Oh my God, is this Izu-chan? He's so cute!!" Toga dashed forward before being pulled back by Dabi. "Calm down, don't be a pain in my ass."

Izuku hit Tomura with a questioning look, "I don't get it? How are these people going to kill All Might? At least tell me there's more of you."

"What do you mean 'how are these people going to kill All Might'? What do we look like go you, circus performers? And of course there's more of us, we're not as small as you think." Dabi glared at Izuku. He didn't get why Tomura really wanted this guy in the league, he didn't look like much to him, AND he just insulted them.

Izuku smiled, "I mean you do. You have those weird purple burns on your skin and your outfit doesn't make you look any better, you look like a burned rag doll. Lol. Are you a firebreather too?" At that Dabi then lunged forward, only inches away from Izuku before being caught by Tomura. "He's useful, please don't kill him or Sensei will get angry." He whispered.

Izuku then looked at Toga, "And you look like a murderous, tsundere girl who has killed way too many of her crushes because they didn't like her back." She stared at him, still with her crazed expression, "Oh, I like him. Are we keeping lil Izu-chan?" Izuku snapped at Toga, "'Izu-chan'? Do I look like a girl to you?" She looked him up and down then smiled, "Do you really want me to answer that question?"

I mean Izuku would hate to admit it, but he did have a feminine look to him. He was thin, short, had large eyes, as well as long eyelashes. Boy clothes were always a bit large on him, so he'd occasionally shop in the girls section, but he wouldn't tell anyone that.

"Whatever, you wanna unchain me or not?" Izuku stared blankly at the three villains. "Ah, right. Dabi." Tomura motioned toward Izuku. And at that, Dabi unlocked his wrists from the wall.

When Izuku stood up, he rubbed his wrists, "So, when do we start?"

"Right after you meet someone," Tomura gestured to the door. "Who?" Izuku stared at the three as they looked at each other.



Word Count: 1183

Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors...(⟃ ͜ʖ ⟄)

A/N: Ok, so I'm really sorry for the long wait. I've been extremely busy the past week and right now I am on vacation! I'm at Cedar Point bitches!!! Again. . . sorry.


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