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Dabi's POV

The boy is definitely stubborn, he doesn't know when to give up, but honestly, he's kinda cute. That messy green mop of hair and his big sparkling green eyes, it's almost disgusting. You have no idea how much I want to take away the tiny hope of those heroes ever coming.

I'm going to have to make sure Shigaraki gives Izuku enough of the 'elixir' he's come up with because if he's not given enough of the treatment, he'll end up remembering everything, and we don't want that.


Izuku's POV

Waking up was definitely not my forte, all my limbs were numb, and I couldn't feel a thing. Only being able to stare up at the ceiling, there was nothing except what seemed like eroded metal. Knowing this, I assumed I was back in the dull cell.

When I finally regained some feeling in my body, I sat up and realized I was correct. The floor of my chamber was degraded and tainted. When I attempted to crawl over toward the bars of my sanctum, I heard a loud clanking noise. Realizing my ankle had been chained to a rusted pole, I sighed. This was going to be a long day.

Or two...

Or three...

Or seven...

Or however long I've been here...


It feels as though it's been years, but for all I know, it's been only a couple of days. I haven't seen any of the villains, eaten nor slept for who knows how long. My body has become worn and tired, at some points, it feels as though it is rejecting me. The pain and crawling sensation all throughout my body. My physique was deteriorating, my ankles were so charred you'd think my feet would fall off.

I cried and I pulled and tugged. I don't know for how long, but I know it was more than a couple of hours. The idea that I'd never see my mother or sister again, the concept of Kacchan never knowing the truth of my existence. I wished to make it better with him, but I'm so much of a coward that I instead killed myself... Well, even better, I failed. By now I could barely see out of my eyes and the hiccups have become so unbearable that you'd think I was suffocating.

After each and every pull, my blisters seemed to get worse and worse, the lack of food in my system and dehydration was finally getting to me. My vision dimmed and I slowly lay back down and slip back into a dreamless slumber.


When I awoke, I knew they had done something to me, I just couldn't put my finger on it. My mind jumbled with different thoughts; most being about the names I remember but not faces, the memories of being ostensibly wounded but no appearances to go with the perpetrator. It was as if everything from what appeared to be my past, was fuzzy.

My eyes were still swollen shut from all the crying and I couldn't hear any weird noises as I had in my holding cell.

I was surprised to see that I was no longer in the lab, but I wasn't in the hell-hole either. It looked like I was in a bedroom. The room had a large bed which I was occupying at the moment, the comforter a deep purple with black sheets and pillows. Looking down, my body had been bandaged carefully, as though someone had cared.

Disarray the only thing on my mind, I didn't notice the click of the door opening and but once it closed, I realized I was not alone. I look up to see the same man that had burned my ankles the other day. The dark blister scars on his face and pitch black hair brought out his, what seemed like, glowing turquoise eyes.

His eyes quickly find my face, and he swiftly makes his way over to me. 'Course I immediately back away toward the wall which was connected to the bed. Though once driven up against the wall, he did not even strive to stop toward me instead, he seemed to speed up.

Once he stood at the side of the bed, he spoke. "What do you remember?" Huh? That's a weird question to ask. But now that I think about it, the more I seem not to remember. Who am I? What am I doing here?

I instantly shot my head up toward him, giving a flash of what I hoped was complete and utter confusion clear on my face. He seemed to understand quickly and gave me a questionable grin, the type you'd get after obtaining the information you're not allowed to tell. This made me promptly start to question him. I knew he knew things, and I'll find out no matter the circumstance.

"What's going on? Why am I here... what am I here for? Who are you? Who am I?" I kept rambling on and on. I'm sure at some point Dabi got tired of it because his blank expression turned into an annoyed one. He seized the hem of my shirt and shook me for a couple of seconds. "Do you ever shut the hell up?"

I was confused, I must have angered him somehow; so I started apologizing, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to anger you! I was just asking--" he cut me off. "You need to stop talking. I already had a headache when I walked in, and now I have a fucking migraine."

"Ah, I'm sor--" Izuku started but was quickly cut off by Dabi, "QUIT apologizing, it makes me sick," Izuku looked off to the side.

The atmosphere in the room was tense and awkward, Dabi was doing nothing other than staring daggers into Izuku head. He tried to ignore it but as the third minute went by he attempted to speak up. "Um, did you need something?"

Dabi looked away. "Just came to get a good look at you," at that he sauntered off and out the door, but before slamming it behind him he turned around and said, "Oh yeah. By the way be ready tomorrow, we've got some training for you."


A/N: hi. i'm back. quarantine is a bitch. enjoy :)
also don't be mad. i honestly put this off for way too long.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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