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Trigger Warning: ⚠️Suicide, some swears and da feels.⚠️


Bakugou's POV

"Well then, if you'll excuse me." Deku brushed passed me and walked out.

"What the fuck? Did he just ignore me?! I'm gonna smash that fucker's head in!" I was so angry, how could he just ignore me like that. Does he think he's better than me? Oh hell no. Next thing I know, I'm chasing after him.

I didn't exactly know where Deku was going, but when he passed the entrance, or exit in this case, I knew something was up. He usually goes straight home afterwards.

When Deku took a turn for the stairs I let him go up before following a minute later so he wouldn't see me. Trailing behind him, I realize he's heading for the roof.

When reaching the roof door, I slowly peek my head out to make sure I don't get caught. When I looked out I saw Deku removing his backpack, as well as his shoes and jacket. Then it finally hit me.

Deku was planning to jump.

Before I knew it, I spoke up, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING, DEKU?!"

Deku snapped around so fast, you'd think he were Sonic. He looked genuinely terrified at that moment, unlike the few seconds ago where he looked calm.

Then he spoke.

"Kacchan. . . what are you doing here?" He averted his eyes quickly.

"What do you mean, what am I doing here?! I was obviously 'concerned' on why you completely ignored me and felt like coming up here." I spoke sarcastically.

Deku looked around for a few minutes before answering, "I don't know what you mean."

"DON'T START ME ON THAT BULLSHIT, DEKU!!!" My voice became noticeably softer, "You and me both know why your up here, my question is why."

He looked at me in the eye, anger obviously clouding his vision, "NO, YOU DON'T START ME ON THAT BULLSHIT!!! You of all people should know why I'm up here! You've ruined my life, made it a living hell! I'm the one that should be asking you why!"

"Um. . . I--" I studdered, directing my gaze toward the concrete flooring. He was right, I completely ruined his life. I hadn't realized I fucked him up so much that he'd rather die than come to school until now. Now regretting everything I had done, I tried apologising but he cut me off.

"You don't have to answer." I looked up at him, taking pity, wondering myself to why I did this, why I broke him. "Everything will answer itself soon enough, and you can't stop me. . ." He slowly shuffled backward toward the edge.

"Please, Deku, don't do this! I'm sorry, okay? Please don't! I couldn't live with myself!" I slowly made my way towards him, holding back tears.

"No, I'm sorry, but I can't do it, I can't live with myself any longer. I'm sick of people looking down on me, bullying me. But I forgive you, Kacchan." He smiled with tears in his eyes.

After that, everything was slow. The smile he put on, the obvious façade never disappeared as he fell back. My screams were inaudible as I held back tears once more. I ran forward, trying to grab him, but failed, as he slipped right through my fingers.

The next thing I heard was a loud crash from below, and everything went back to normal as I broke down crying, falling to my knees, no longer able to hold back tears. Though quickly picking myself up, I ran as fast as I could down the flight of stairs and out the front doors.

There were low murmurs from the crowd that started to surround Deku's body. When I pushed through, the picture was horrid. Deku was lying in a pool of his own blood, eyes open, and a small smile on his face. I was going to throw up, but before I could, there were sirens, then medics loading him onto a stretcher, checking his vitals. Done, they murmured something then covered his body.

He was pronounced dead.


Later, when everyone cleared out, my mom and Inko were called into the police station, where I was taken after, and asked about Deku's death.

When they showed up, my mother gave me that knowing stare. Ya'know, the one that says 'did you have something to do with this' look. I shook my head at her before she spoke, answering her knowing question.

When I looked over at Inko, you could tell she had been crying. Her eyes and nose puffed out and she was holding multiple tissues. It just made me feel worse than before. I mean, I practically killed him. I might as well have been the one that pushed him.

Before I knew it, my mother spoke up, "Hey Inko, are you okay? If you want I can have my 'sweet' son comfort you, help around the house every once in a while. If you don't feel like cooking, he can do that too!" She puts me up so quickly, sometimes I wonder how she hasn't sold me to a random person.

"Ah. . . Mitsuki, your a doll, but it's okay, I can fend for myself for now," she paused for a second then went on. "But I'll call you up if I do need something." With that she walked out of the police station and headed to her car. My mother dragging me out not far behind.


Upon arriving home, I kicked off my shoes at the front door, headed to my room and threw my stuff down. Before I could sit, my mom knocked softly on the door. "Hey Katsuki, you alright?"

"Yeah you old hag, I'm fine." I tried acting like I always do, but it didn't come out the same. Noticing, I fell onto my bed before she could answer.

"Alright," She called. "You can talk to me whenever, I know how close you two were." With that, she walked back downstairs. And with that, I into a deep slumber.


Third POV

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, a certain group of people sneak into the morgue.

"Hey, are you sure he's gonna be here?" Asked a small girl with blond hair tied up in two buns. She wore a schoolgirl uniform, though it seemed obvious she didn't go to school.

"Yes, this is where Shigaraki told us to come, so he just be here." The man looked around before entering. He had dark, black hair with purple patches of skin covering most of his face and some of his body. "Find the body and let's get out of here," he told the girl. With that, the young blond quickly scurried around the room, looking for the right name. When she did, she called the man over, "Found it!"

With that, the man walked over, pulled out the roller, and slung the body over his shoulder. "Let's go," and with that, the two stepped into a deep purple mist and were warped to an old, beat up bar.

Upon entering, he threw the body in front of a man with light silver-blue hair and hand over his face. "Nice work," He exclaimed. In the corner, behind the bar, a purple-misted man stood with a thumbs up.

"Here's Izuku Midoriya. . . You know the price, Shigaraki Tomura." The dark-haired man hissed.

"Of course. But first, what are your names?" The hand-man asked. With that they answered 'Dabi and Himiko Toga.'

"Alright Dabi, Toga, welcome to the League of Villains."


Word Count: 1261

Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors... ( ‾ ʖ̫ ‾)


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