Chapter 4

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          Adelaide woke up a little bit surprised because the pain her back had lessened. She rolled over to see if Dean was still sleeping, but he was gone. She thought to herself that he was probably just eating some breakfast. She looked down at her phone and looked at the time. 10:45 am. Her eyes widened. She was usually awake hours before now. She slowly dropped her feet to the floor and opened the bedroom door. She looked down the hallway, a little bit confused as to where to go to find the kitchen. As she looked to her left, she noticed a piece of paper taped to the wall. She walked over to it and ripped it off. She looked down at the paper, a small smile forming on her lips as she read the note.
          Dear Adelaide,
         Don't worry. Sam and I are just in the kitchen. We'll be in there waiting for you to wake up. I hope that you had a good sleep. If you don't know where to go to find the kitchen, the directions are here. You just keep walking down this hallway, in this direction, until you find another note. That note will have an arrow on it, pointing to which way you have to turn. When you make that turn, just keep walking straight. You will find yourself in the living room. When you get to the living room, you will find another note. That note will have an arrow on it as well. That arrow will point directly to the kitchen. In there, you will find some bacon and eggs for you and me and Sam waiting for you. Have fun!
          From Dean
          Adelaide giggled at the goofy game Dean had created. She took the note with her and followed Dean's directions. She continued down the hallway until she found a note with an arrow on it, just like Dean had promised. The arrow was telling her to turn right, so she did. She continued down that hallway, and once again, Dean's not was right. She was in the living room. Adelaide looked around for another note. She looked on all of the walls and got confused when she couldn't find a note.
          "Dean?" She called out, hoping he would hear her. Adelaide started to panic when no one appeared. Adelaide sat down on the couch, trying to gather her thoughts. As she buried her face in her hands, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and shrieked at the sudden presence. She turned around and saw Dean with both of his hands held up.
          "Sorry, Ad. I thought it would be funny to add a little plot twist at the end," Dean explained. Adelaide furrowed her eyebrows at the new nickname Dean had given her.
          "It's fine. It was kinda funny," she tried to laugh it off. Dean shook his head.
          "No it wasn't. I'm sorry. That was a jerk move on my part. You just got here yesterday," he tried to apologize. Adelaide chuckled.
          "It's fine, I said. Honestly, it was funny," Adelaide tried to assure him. She walked over to him and gave him a hug, hoping that would help change his mind on the prank. She smiled when she felt Dean's arms wrap around her.
          "How's your back?" Dean asked her.
          "It feels better," she replied. Dean smiled.
          "Good." Adelaide blushed at the concern that Dean was showing her. Dean wrapped his arm around her shoulder and led her into the kitchen, where Sam was making eggs and bacon. At least that part of the note was true.
"Morning, Adelaide," Sam greeted her. Adelaide sat down on one of the surprisingly comfortable chairs. Dean sat down next to her.
"Morning, Sam," she returned the greeting. Sam flipped some bacon that was sizzling on the steaming hot pan.
"Want some bacon and eggs?" He asked her. Adelaide smiled.
"Is that even a question?" Dean laughed at her remark, Sam showed his soft smile again.
"I like her," Dean joked. Adelaide blushed, she couldn't help it. She figured Dean had noticed the redness in her face because he was now blushing.
"So, is your back feeling better?" Sam asked, as he set down a plate of food down in front of her. Adelaide nodded at him, silently thanking him.
"You know what? It actually is," Adelaide replied. Sam smiled, while grabbing his own plate of food and sitting down across from her.
"That's good. But, does that mean that you'll be leaving soon?" Adelaide took a bite of her bacon and quickly chewed it so she could answer Sam's question.
"Do you want me to?" She looked at Sam and then at Dean, waiting for a "no". The answer she wanted to hear. Sam and Dean shared that look again, the look that always made her nervous. After a moment of silence, the boys seemed to make their decision.
"Of course we don't want you to leave," Dean started. "But it's up to you if you want to leave." Adelaide ate a scoop of her eggs.
"I don't want to leave. I wanna stay here," she replied. The boy's faces lit up. Sam's smile was bigger than she'd ever seen and Dean was bright red, while grinning like a little kid who had just been told they could have ice cream. Adelaide giggled to herself at the precious look on the eldest Winchester's face.
          "Awesome," Dean finally exclaimed. Adelaide smiled and finished up her breakfast.

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