Chapter 1

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"Hey kitty cat." He stuck out his staff instantly and I grabbed it, sliding down till I was close to him. I flipped and landed on the ground. He stepped back cautiously, growling.

"What is it now?"

"Can't an archnemesis talk to her favourite super hero without getting judged for once?" He shook his head.

"No." He swung his staff at me and I dodged it with a lazy smile on my face.

"Not bad alley cat." I pounced on him, his staff rolling away as my weight and the sudden impact forced him to the ground. I straddled him, smiling and leaned in for a kiss. He shoved me away roughly causing me to pout.

"Ouch!" I dodged a punch and threw a few. He dodged all but one which threw him off. He got back on his feet. "That was rather un-gentleman-ly of you kitty. Never seen this side. I like it." We continued fighting until I just quit fighting him and went completely evasive, dodging all his punches. "Can't a lady kiss her favourite cat on the lips without any judgement just once? Sheesh." I rolled my eyes again. He was still trying to punch her. I pounced again and sat on him, this time savouring it a little more.

"This must make you feel really uncomfortable, doesn't it kitty?" He shook his head stubbornly, fighting back against his feelings.

"N-n-no!" I chuckled seductively and ran my fingers over his chest as I straddled him, looking bored out of my mind.

"Now what to do with a cat? Grilled, roasted or scewered." My eyes lit up as I imagined all I could do before I felt myself being carried and got slammed against a wall.

"I prefer warm and not dead purrfectly thank you very much." I stared at my nails, waiting for his hormones to come over him.




He blushed. Right on schedule. He lowered me and dropped me gently, backing away. I didn't want him to go just yet though so I grabbed his collar and pulled him closer. "Where to pussycat? I was beginning to like warm and not dead. Now I'll just go for cold and lifeless. I punched him and he winced. "You are too kind puss. Way too kind."

He looked up at me, not understanding himself or his hormones. How could he be so attracted to a girl that wreaked so much havoc on his beloved city?

"Because I'm hot and pawsome and don't you forget it." Did he say that out loud?! "I enjoy our chats Chat. If only we we're on the same side. Things would be a lot more... interesting. And I prefer the term woman, thank you very much. Kill you tomorrow kitty! Later." I waved and swung away, leaving his hormones to rage freely. He detransformed and sat there, sighing.


"What?" The cat Kwami paused from nibbling his cheese. "Do you have more cheese for me?" He sighed and tossed some to the creature that was over five thousand years old, sulking.

"This isn't fair. How can I have a crush on one of the most evil villains in Paris? What am I supposed to do Plagg?" He shrugged and continued snacking, irritating Adrien. "Great. Of all the kwamis I got the one that doesn't care for anything other than cheese."

"You should be greatful you're even in my presence."

"Right. Well your presence needs a little airfreshner by the way. It stinks of cheese."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"I'm serious Plagg, what should I do?"

"Well..." Plagg thought for some moments. "She seems like an understanding person when she's not trying to kill you. Give her a chance. But you need to be careful because she's pretty dangerous. I wonder how Tikki is doing."

"What was that?" Plagg said nothing so he continued. "Okay. I wonder when she's gonna kill me though. She always says she will but she never does it. Next time she might not be so lenient..."

"Which is why you need to train-"

"You're right. Plagg, claws out!"

"I WISH I DIDN'T SAY THAT..." He was sucked into the ring and Adrien, now Chat Noir, began to train for his next rendezvous with his lady.

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