Chapter 18

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My face was a bright pink as Adrien and I sat on the bench Chloe and Nathaniel had been sitting on. Adrien was holding his sides, trying not to die of laughter while I was trying my best not to kill him. Of all the spots in Paris we just had to get icecream from André. Sure his icecream was the best in Paris but he was still too in love with love to be worth the trouble.

"Hi André, an icecream for me and my friend please?" Adrien Agreste, still a gentleman while blackmailing me at the exact same time. My eyes were so stuck on him I didn't notice where exactly we had stopped.

"Marinette!" I gasped in shock as I was picked up and looked down to see the large man with a large smile on his face. I let out a sigh if relief when he dropped me, my face already burning from the way Adrien was trying- and failing- to hold in his laughter.

"André, it's great to see you. I am so sorry again for getting you akumatised, I was in such a foul mood that day and-"

"Not to worry Marinette, the past is the past." I rubbed my shoulder, wondering if André's large size allowed his heart to be twice as big. He was such a nice man, even though he had been bullied as a child. "I will make you and your sweetheart your icecream, eh?"

He went back to work and my face remained flushed until we got to the bench.

"How can you be so fine with it all? He called us sweethearts. Sweethearts!" I fake puked and smiled when he laughed. There was something so warm about his laugh.

"At least he didn't ask us about school. Probably too distracted by our chemistry." I rose an eyebrow. "Don't deny it. It's true."

We sat in a comfortable silence, licking our desserts until I spoke. Something about those silences scared me. So I told him I couldn't remember anything from the day before.

"It's crazy kitten, like my mind has been wiped clean of it all. Some flashes are coming back but they always fade. It's infuriating." I sighed and kicked the grass.

"Where you supposed to do anything important yesterday?" Like kill the guy that was supposed to be my partner, perhaps?

"No. Why?"

"Well, if you didn't then perhaps yesterday wasn't all that important." He licked his icecream again, staring at a tree and my eyes went to slits. I could tell. The boy knew something and he didn't want to tell me.

"Adrien, what do you know?" I leaned closer to him, using the same smouldering gaze Alya had nurtured and taught me. His eyes widened and he scooted back the closer I went.

"Know? I don't know anything about anything- WOAH!" I snorted when he fell to the ground. He clutched his heart. "You've wounded me princess."

"You'll be fine."

"Hey, why were you crying in that alleyway?" I glared at him.

"I thought I told you never to speak of that-"

"To anyone else. It's between you and me. Come on Marinette, even if I'm not as close to your villain side, I'm your friend. Talk to me." I made a face.

"Just because your my friend doesn't mean I'm going to talk to you. There's a lot you don't know about me, there's a lot I don't know about you."

"That's not what relationships are about-"

"That's what my relationships are about. That's all I've ever known. Do you understand what it's like to have to leave all you've ever known behind and start anew?"

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