Chapter 13

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"CHAT!" I fell out of my chair at the sight of Chat Noir knocking on my bedroom window. What on earth was doing there? I had already said goodbye to him as Ladybug and I could barely hold in my tears. I had been staring at the ceiling for the past hour, thinking about him and Adrien and how messed up my life was. I clearly couldn't sleep so I got up, put on a light and started sketching out some dresses in my book. I really, really didn't need him to see him again. "What're you doing here?"

"Hey purrincess! I told you I would be back to talk, didn't I?" I facepalmed, smacking his head to wipe the smirk off his face. He pouted and asked to be let in.

"I have work to do. Go. Away." He gasped and clutched his heart.

"I thought you loved me! Dontcha wanna cuddle?" He smirked. I ignored the urge to kiss him and or punch that flirty grin off his face with an eye roll. Bloody attractive black leather clad superhero.

"Go cuddle with Ladybug Chat. I'm working!"

"I tried princess, I tried." I sighed. He did try.


"So you're just gonna leave stray cat in the cold? I thought you were better than this." I rolled my eyes and pretended to concentrate on my work but in reality, the idiot had already gained my attention and distracted me. A small smile made its way to my lips and sadly, he noticed and continued. "What, is it because I'm a black cat? Is that why you're leaving me like this? I could literally die from this Marinette. I'm hurt..."

I sighed. At the rate he was going, he was gonna keep rambling until I let him in. I opened the window and yanked him in by force. A little too much force. He was suddenly on top of me with a triumphant smirk on his face.

"Ha! Victor..." He stooped short, suddenly realising the position they were in. Oh...

Gah! This idiot. But I did pull him in so... yeah, we're both stupid. Why is he still on top of me? I'm actually starting to li- nope. Remember Andre- Andrew- Adrien. Nice, kind Adrien who you aren't going to kill tomorrow. Yeah. Why is he looking at me like...

I went bright red. Chat stood up and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh... sorry purrincess-"

"It's fine. What do you want, anyway?"

"Do you have Netflix?"

. . .

I threw popcorn at Chat, shifting closer to him. We were watching Captain America: Winter Soldier and I was slowly but surely falling in love with Bucky. I didn't know what made me like him more; the fact that he was so cold and focused on all his missions or the torture he went through under H.Y.D.R.A. In all honesty, I had never been a Marvel fan or a fan of watching movies in general because I was always so busy training but James Buchanan Jones touched me that day.

Around the end of the movie, as I watched him pull Cap out and save him, I felt a strong urge to cry. I had never exactly been religious, father had never taught me why but I had prayed for help that night. And it seemed Bucky was that answer. I wasn't sure I could do it, though. It wasn't an easy thing to just refuse my father. I never disobeyed his orders. Ever.

"Dude, how could I never have seen this movie?!"

"It's been out for a while now. I'm actually surprised."

"I'm in love with Bucky right now, for real-" there was a knock at my window. I swallowed. There was only one person other than Chat who came through my bedroom window. I glanced out secretly and saw a glimpse of Felix's white suit. I turned around, biting my lip. "It's Felix."

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