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"Marinette!" She cursed and ran over to the shoe rack, grabbing Gabriel's shoes and rushing out of the door. She was headed down the stairs when she saw some white roses. Her foot missed a step and she fell over. She took in a quick breath, her vision clearing when she saw the eyes of her friends and family on her. She stood up and dusted herself off.

"I'm okay, alright? I'm good. Great." She rubbed her eyes and stood up, racking her brain to remember what she was supposed to do. Rather than sleep, she had spent the whole night locked up in her training room (the Dupain-Cheng bakery basement), stabbing and hitting whatever she could lay her hands on. She finally let out a whimper and fell to the floor, managing to sleep with a face covered in sweat. She stepped forward towards Adrien's father and mother, not bothering to think before saying, "Here father, I- uh... Sorry. Gosh, it was an accident, I just-"

"Marinette, my son is right, you worry too much," he said as he threw his arms around her. She hummed and smiled weakly. She had never hugged him before. It felt strangely comfortable. Not as good as hugging Adrien, though. She was pretty sure no one could reach his cuddle power. "I don't mind it, really warrior. Besides, you better get used to it since you and my son are going to get married soon."

"Wh- don't tell me you're one of the shippers now!" Adrien exclaimed as walked in, his face red and Nino hit his back, barely able to contain his laughter. They were both wearing black suits, fitting them both perfectly. Marinette couldn't care less what she was wearing, to be honest, she hadn't even gotten dressed. Or bathed. Or brushed her teeth.

"I call dibs on the wedding dress!" Gabriel hollered childishly, turning around in shock when he felt a hand on his arm. He smiled warmly, Emilie smiling back just as hard. Even after not seeing each other for so long, they still managed to love each other. She stared at them longingly, unable to keep herself from glancing at Adrien. Perfect as always, she thought bitterly, trying to maintain the fake smile on her face.

"Well, we call dibs on the wedding cake then! And catering!" She put a hand to her mouth as she looked at her parents, holding hands and everyone laughing around her. Even when a funeral was about to take place. This was family, her family, this was love. She could feel it, charging up the room, and it sent a sharp pang through her that rocked her to the core because Bridgette wasn't there to experience it.

"Oh, girl, why aren't you dressed yet?" She looked up at Alya and smiled. She was wearing a lace black dress of her own design, and she felt pride in knowing that Nino had drooled once or twice while Alya wasn't looking. Adrien sent her a worried look but she simply shrugged and walked past Alya, nudging Nino.

"Isn't her dress beautiful, Nino?" He scowled at her but nodded quietly, unable to escape the chance to see Alya flustered. Alya cleared her throat and linked their arms, smiling up at him. Marinette's smile slowly faded away as she stared at the white roses she had gotten distracted by before. She walked over and took one out, her eyes lingering on it as tears formed in her eyes.

"Marinette, are you okay?" She glanced at Adrien and nodded.

"Now I have to go, lemme get dressed you lot." She took a shower, successfully numbing all the emotions rising up inside her. She put on a sleeveless black dress, high at the front and low at the back. She put on some light lipstick and got up, treading lightly down the stairs.

"I'm ready to go every... Where is everybody?" She looked around and found Adrien standing in the middle of the room, his eyes dark as he gazed at her. A tense silence fell over the room as she continued on her way down the stairs, clutching onto the rails so tight her knuckles turned white. Don't do this, not now, I swear if you say or do one caring thing, I will break down. "C-come on Adrien, let's get going, Bridgette isn't going to bury herself, you know!"

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