Chapter 7

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I sat in my room, staring at the walls. Maybe I was a little obsessed with Adrien Agreste but I really wanted to understand him. He was always so happy at school but his family life was far from pretty. Kinda like mine. I could only wonder how he managed. The day after tomorrow I would kill my kitty. All because I wanted to get a little love from my father. If only.

I wrapped my arms around my knees and dug my head into a pillow between my arms and legs. I was already getting texts and calls from a bunch of my friends and I didn't want that so I simply texted I was sick to everyone and switched off my phone. I grabbed my sketch book and did a rough draft of a girl crying with a knife in her hand. There was blood all over her hands. In the next, I sketched out a beautiful black cat with green eyes, laying limp in her arms. I wasn't one to draw things other than dresses so it wasn't that good but I ignored it. I imagined putting a knife through Chat Noir and shut my eyes as if it would lead me to a different destiny. Tikki flew out of my purse and hugged my cheek.

"Oh Marinette. I'm so sorry you had to go through all this." I shrugged it off with a fake grin.

"Don't worry about me Tik. I feel great! In less than 48 hours that will black cat that's been a thorn in my spine for months will be gone. I can finally get rid of the idiot and then my mission will finally be over."

"Then what?"

"I'll go back to my father and..."

"And you'll continue on with this life. A life you were never meant to have suffered."

"I'm not suffering Tikki."

"I've known you for months now Marinette. You are a strong girl. You hate admitting when you're in pain but I know you hate this life. And I know you want to be a better person." I walked over to my drawer and pulled out a dagger, thinking of how many people I had stabbed with it. I suddenly felt sick to the stomach.

"I-I need to-" I held my head and winced. How many people had I killed, really? It was all a blur. Almost like I was brainwashed or something. It was the first time I had ever thought of that. Why didn't I remember the people I had killed?

"Marinette?" She placed a hand on my cheek. I stood up.

"Tikki, spots on!" I transformed and leapt out of my bedroom window. I just needed some air. That was all. I found a dark alleyway and sat down against a wall, staring at the wall in front of me. It was a brick wall. Exactly the same as the one in the park when... when Felix...

Just what I needed. I was crying, weeping like a fool just because I was sexually assaulted by my ex bestfriend. I felt so stupid. It's not like the boy raped me or anything. I should have been grateful but instead there I sat, trying to hold in my weak sobs. As long as I didn't see anyone I would be fine. Just a few seconds of giving in to my weakness then I would carry on going around the city. As long as I didn't see Chat or Felix or-

"U-uh hi?" I gripped the hand on my shoulder, stood up and slammed the person against the wall. I regretted it when I noticed Adrien's scared face staring back at me. Great. I let go quickly and stared at the floor.

"What are you doing here?" I stared at him angrily, arms folded in front of my chest. His face reddened.

"I'm sorry, I was just going to see a friend when I saw you crying in the alleyway. I-I didn't even know it was you, honest!" I relaxed and let my arms fall to my sides.

"Whatever. I really don't care. But if you ever tell anyone, and I mean anyone about seeing me like this I will find out and I'll make sure you get what you deserve. Are we clear Agreste?" He nodded quickly. I folded my arms again. "Aren't you supposed to be in school, by the way?"

"I... uh... might've skipped." I held in a gasp. The Adrien Agreste skipping?

"This friend must be very important. What's her name? Maybe I know her." He stepped back, defensively.

"No offence but I don't think it would be wise to tell you her name. You're not exactly trustworthy and I... well I don't want you hurting her." I rolled my eyes, playing with my knife in front of him. He took a quick breath but kept on a straight face. It was pretty good. He must have gotten a lot of practice at home.

"Let me guess. Is it a girl who lives a few minutes away from here?"

"Wh- how do you know Marinette?!"

"Hey, calm down blondie. I didn't even know who it was till you told Mr yourself. It's psychology 101." I rose my hand to my chin and thought on it. "Isn't that that baker's daughter? I've heard of her I guess. And you're gonna see her."

"She's sick and I'm checking up on her."

"During school hours? This is not a very good goody thing to do. I may just like you slightly more now mate." He gritted his teeth harshly.

"Why are you even talking to me? What's your deal Ladybug?"

"I don't know. Bored I guess. Don't even think about asking me while I was crying. If you ever tell a soul-"

"I won't. You have my word Ladybug. You don't have to threaten me to get it." I patted his head and grinned.

"You'd make an awful villain mate, simply awful. Have fun with bakery girl- what was her name again?" He shook his head sadly. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Ey. Dude. What's the matter with you?"

"Why are you a villain Ladybug? Do you find it fun to cause pain? Do you find it fun to hurt Chat Noir, the guy you were supposed to be partners with? For goodness sake woman do you have any idea what you've put Parisians through, especially him? Do you even care?!" My eyes widened. This was the first time I had ever seen Adrien so pissed as he spat venom out of his mouth. I mean at the park with Felix was one thing but this was a lot different. I stared at him and managed to crack a smile.

"Good questions. I've asked myself that a few times too. But it's how I was brought up and I'm never gonna stop so yeah. Deal with it." I let go of his shoulder and swung away on my yoyo. It was only when I left that Adrien blushed. He let out Plagg from his pocket and sighed.

"Plagg, I need to stop. I can't like Ladybug. She's a villain! It's unnatural!" He chuckled.

"Sorry kid. Love works in mysterious ways-"

"You think I'm in love with her? Am I really that lovesick?" He sighed, suddenly deep in thought. "Well... maybe I am... tell me I didn't do anything stupid. Didn't foam at the mouth or anything."

"You didn't do anything stupid. Can I have cheese now?" He handed 'Plagg' some cheese and let him fly back into his pocket. I watched from above, confused at the little black thing he was talking to but I had no time to think about that just yet. I had to get home before him and act like I was sick. The awfulness of my life.

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