Chapter 19

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Adrien's P.O.V.

"Adrien, where are you going? You haven't finished your piano lessons young man- Adrien!" I ran out of the room, slamming the door behind me as I grabbed my satchel and dumped an irritated Plagg inside with a piece of cheese. The text I had gotten from Nino was still glued in my mind and appeared every time I blinked.

Nino: dude, get over here quick, Marinette's house just blew up.

It was blunt and straight to the point, sending a chill through me the moment I saw it. I was so bent on leaving I didn't look where I was going until I bumped into someone and stumbled back. I looked up into the cold blue eyes of my father and shrank back immediately, trying not to glare at Nathalie standing beside him. She sent me a hard look and turned away to attend to her duties.

"Father, I-" I remembered my manners and bowed slightly. "Good evening, father."

"Where do you think you're going at this time of the night?"

"My friend is in trouble and I need to go see if she's okay-"

"You are in the middle of your lessons-"

"Father, I can't leave her. She needs me right now. I need to make sure she's okay." I tried to stress how important it was but he didn't seem to listen. His eyes seemed to grow even colder and I found it difficult not to wince from his gaze. I was used to it though.

"You do not interrupt me while I'm talking to you-"

"Father, plea-"

"Go to your room Adrien-"

"HER HOUSE JUST EXPLODED, FATHER!" He rose an eyebrow at me, unflinching. He kept quiet though, meaning he was willing to listen. It was a good sign. "Her... her house just exploded. As I stand here before you, I... I'm not sure if she's alive or dead right now. I really care about this girl. Please, let me go."

"This friend is a girl, correct?" I nodded. "And you... "care" for her, correct?" Did I really say that? I went slightly red but I nodded anyway. "Okay, you have my permission."

I stared at him in shock, wondering if he had actually let me or if I was dreaming. "Really father?"

"Go. She needs you son. Your mother... would be proud." I froze when he mentioned my mother and stared at him, unable to put my gratitude into words. I ignored the strong urge to hug him and nodded instead. He pat my back and I rushed down the stairs. "By the way, do I know this girl by any chance?"

I glanced at my watch. I was taking way too long. " Her name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, she won one of your contests. Thank you fa-" I reached out for the door knob on my way to freedom and Marinette when I heard a commanding voice behind me.

"Stop." I froze and turned to my father, descending the stairs with an air of importance and grace. He stopped right in front of me and cleared his throat. "You cannot go."


"But father, you just-"

"Go to your room."

"But I-"

"Now, son." I stared at him, shocked and confused but I knew better than to disobey. I started my long walk down the stairs, shoulders slumped.

"Stand straight son." I straightened my back, hiding my anger and disappointment behind long, confident strides. I passed by Nathalie on my way to my room. She stood there, emotionless and stared back at me with her hollow, empty eyes. I entered my room, about to shut the door when I heard their voices. "... I'm doing him a favour. He shouldn't bother looking for that girl. We both know that he will only be disappointed with what he finds."

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