Chapter I

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"Arthur. Let's go." Alistair said as he picked his little brother up.

"Mama! Papa!" Arthur cried.

They reached the car and Alistair gave Arthur to Dylan who sat in the back seat while Connor sat in the front seat with Alistair on the wheel.

Arthur was just 5, Dylan 8, Connor 13 and Alistair 18. Fortunately; their parents left them with an empire company and a grand manor but without any servants.

Alistair worked hard to keep the company stable and to support him and his brothers.

When Connor reached 18, he tried to make his own technology company and it was successful, making them even more richer.

Arthur was tampered and spoiled his whole life by his brothers but Arthur didn't act snobbish and cruel.

When his brothers ask him what he wants, he will ask for school supplies or books, or probably something useful. 

Dylan was 15 when he made a fancy restaurant and became one of the youngest successful businesses men around.

Arthur saw his brothers as his inspiration and wanted to start a publishing company when he comes of age.

But little did he know, that dream might never or probably wouldn't happen.

Arthur reached the age of fifteen and someone will be lying if they say that Arthur looks ugly. Because Arthur is the complete opposite.

At school, Girls call him handsome and cute while boys would call him pretty and adorable.

Arthur's only friend, Alfred, keeps Arthur's admirers away and acts like a  bodyguard to Arthur the whole time in school. 

Some people hated Alfred for keeping them away from Arthur but they couldn't just gossip about Alfred without ruining their chance to Arthur, or because Alfred has his own fans since Alfred also looks stunning.

Alfred and Arthur were the most good looking people in school. Arthur has feminine features; a porcelain doll face and elegant green eyes.

While Alfred has muscles, a beautiful jaw line, and gorgeous sky blue eyes that were hidden behind wire-framed glasses.

Try to pick a fight physically? Arthur would just be behind Alfred while Alfred beat the shit out of their attacker; which are mostly guys.

Try to pick a fight verbally? I don't think so honey. When you make a rumour about the both of them, Arthur will know instantly who's messing with them. He has savings and when I say savings, a couple million of dollars is his savings. And having money has it's perks. When Arthur finally finds the culprit they will meet the fate of something much more terrible than being sent to the hospital.

Arthur could just turn the whole society against you with a smile. If you finally have bad reputation in school, Arthur could just send it to the part time jobs you're trying to get in as resume. You will regret all the sins you have done and the shit that comes out your mouth when you won't be accepted to any jobs just because you messed with the wrong person.
Most of Arthur's victims or most of the people that Arthur made lives a living hell are females. 

So eventually no one messes with them at school because they don't want to end up being hospitalized for a month or simply have their lives ruined.

But there is one rumour that goes around in the school that Arthur and Alfred tolerates. 

A rumour of them being gay and dating.

Alfred is madly in love with Arthur and Arthur feels the same but something or rather someone-no some persons are keeping them apart from each other.

Arthur's brothers.

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