Chapter V

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Arthur rushed back home and when he closed the door; he ran into Dylan accidentally.

"Oh my! Princess; what happened?" Dylan asked as he caressed the beautiful blonde locks.

"Brother; Alfred... He.. Rejected me." Arthur cried.

"Now; now. Even if you're beautiful while crying; don't cry. It will make your eyes puffy. We don't want that to ruin your precious face okay?" Dylan said as he kissed Arthur's eyes.

"Brother!" Arthur hugged Dylan tighter and buried into Dylan's chest.

"What happened?" Alistair asked as he went down the stairs with a yawning Connor.

"Brother!" Arthur cried even more as he rushed to Alistair and hug him.

The three shared knowing glances and secretly smiled.

"Alfred rejected me.." Arthur sobbed as he sat on the living room sofa in his bunny pajamas; without wearing the bottom part and instead he just wore cycling shorts; feasting his brothers' eyes.

Arthur ate another tub of ice cream while having a marathon of Detective Conan; not to mention the amount of stuffed animals his brothers just bought for him.

Yep. He's spoiled and he's still in denial.

"What do you want us to do? Blow his company up? Or tie him on the edge of the Empire State Building hmm?" Alistair asked.
"I want vanilla ice cweam." Arthur pouted as he threw his empty peppermint ice cream container in the trash bin nearby; along with the other empty ice cream containers.

"You act like a girl on her period. Just worst." Connor sighed as he gave Arthur the vanilla ice cream.

"You still give me ice cweam anyway." Arthur pouted as he ate the ice cream.

It's been a week since Alfred rejected him and his brothers hadn't get a chance to even touch him. They try to get Arthur's mood stable again so they can touch him since Arthur would slap their hands away if they try to go under his shirt or shorts.

Sure they could just pin him down and force him; but Arthur wouldn't love them.

Arthur was too sad and mentally not prepared to see Alfred in school so he was absent for a week.

It was night time and his brothers are asleep beside him;

Arthur was reading some yaoi fan fictions. Some female friends; or in Arthur's case 'acquaintances'; like Elizabetha and Sakura; suggested to read some if he's bored.

Arthur read it in amusement until he reached a certain part of the story.

'Kaito was pushed on the bed by Shinichi.
Shinichi began to kiss Kaito's neck and leave love bites and hickies.'

"Hickey? Love Bites? Those are what it's called? And my brothers are doing this to me."

' "You're such a whore! Running off with another man? Ethan; what am I
do you?!" '

"What's a whore?"

Arthur Googled the meaning and he felt bricks hit his face.

"I'm a wh-whore?" Arthur cried; waking his brothers up.

"Wha-what?" Connor exclaimed while Dylan was sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"What's wrong Artie?" Alistair yawned as he looked at Arthur who was still crying.

"Am I a whore?" Arthur sobbed.

"What?! No! You're not!" Alistair said as he rushed over to Arthur. "Who told you that?"

"Aren't I? I mean I slept with the three of you." Arthur sobbed.

"No darling. It's different here in our family. You're our precious little angel. In this house; we worship your intelligence and body." Dylan said as he kissed Arthur's hand.

"You mean everything to us and we do it out of love. Not lust. So you're not a slut." Connor said; earning a glare from Dylan and Alistair.

"Don't teach him more colourful words!" Alistair hissed.

"What's a slut?" Arthur asked.

"Same meaning." Connor answered; making Dylan hit him.

Arthur giggled; making his brothers' mentality go nuts.

"So, that means you guys aren't using me?"

"No. Not at all. If we really are; then why haven't we touch you yet? We love you; that's why." Alistair said; though he has his fingers crossed behind Arthur.

Dylan and Connor are smiling but their fingers are also crossed.

"Well; I love you all!" Arthur beamed; making his brothers go even more crazy.

Little did they know; this house; is the house of liars.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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