Chapter II

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Arthur arrived home and waved goodbye at Alfred before going in the gate and walk 20 meters to their front door. 

"Alistair! Connor! Dylan! I'm home!" Arthur said as he placed his shoes on the shoe rack.

"Ah! Welcome back Artie!" Alistair smiled but Arthur noticed there was something behind that smile, something Arthur was very familiar of, a fake smile.

Arthur shrugged it off and thought that maybe Alistair is just tired and trying his best not to worry Arthur which Arthur found sweet. 

"Thank you brother." Arthur smiled and gave Alistair a kiss on the cheek before going upstairs to his bedroom.

He changed his clothes and placed his uniform in the laundry basket before doing his homework.

"Arthur! Dinner is ready!" Dylan said as he knocked on Arthur's door.

Arthur came out of his room and followed Dylan to Connor's room to tell him that dinner's prepared. 

While walking to the dinning room, Arthur felt that the atmosphere seemed tense. But again, he brushed it off. 

While they eat dinner, Arthur noticed that his brothers are sneaking glances at him while eating.

"What is it? Do I have something on my face?" Arthur finally asked.

His brothers just shook their heads and continued eating.


Arthur was doing his homework after a nice hot bath when there was a knock on the door.

He opened it and Alistair came in.

"Can I help you with something brother?"

Alistair said nothing and locked the door before pinning Arthur to his bed.

"Brother?!" Arthur exclaimed, very alarmed.

"Don't tell anyone even that bloody yank okay? This is normal and a tradition in our family okay?"

"Okay?" Arthur whimpered.

Alistair knew he lied to his dear precious little brother about it being a family tradition. But he couldn't help it. For him, Arthur was worth more than any woman he encountered.
Far more beautiful and more perfect.

He unbuttoned Arthur's pajamas and started sucking and biting Arthur's delicate flesh.

"Ugh. Brother? Is this really normal?" Arthur asked while moaning, as Alistair bit his nipples.

"Oh course dear Arthur." Alistair said as he kissed Arthur on his forehead and trailing Arthur's jaw line by licking it. "Spread your legs Art~"

Arthur hesitated but do so.

Sure he was smart at academics and strategy but he doesn't know about this kind of stuff. But if is it really tradition in their family then he have no choice but to go with his brother's doing.

Since Arthur was only wearing a white button up shirt and cycling shorts, Alistair easily slid the shorts off and raised his brother's legs.

He kissed Arthur's thighs and leaving hickeys around it.

Arthur felt disgusted by himself for making such weird noises but he couldn't help but let those noises out as his brother nipped on his ear and then return back to his arse.

Alistair kissed Arthur and forced his tongue inside, exploring every part of Arthur's mouth.

Finally, Alistair stand up and fixed his tie.

Arthur was a sweaty and sticky mess. His shirt was still on but there's only three buttons that holding holding it together.

"Don't tell anyone okay? Night night my precious little Artie~" Alistair kissed Arthur once more before leaving.

Arthur took a bath once again to freshen himself.

Somehow all that Alistair did felt good to him but he wanted Alfred to do the same to him. But he knew it's not going to happen.

He went to bed and woke up with something sticky in his pants.

'Morning Wood.' Arthur grumbled.

The only thing he learned in sex ed was simple stuff about parts of the gentalia and how take care when stuff comes up like menstraution for girls or morning wood for boys.

Arthur was a pure soul and doesn't watch stuff that Alfred mentions.

When Arthur was finished cleaning up, he took a shower and dressed up into his usual Saturday attire.

"Artie?" Alistair knocked.

Arthur shivered but opened the door anyway.
"Yes brother?"

Alistair smirked at how beautiful and adorable his brother is.

"Dylan asked me to wake you up but it seems that your already ready for
the day." Alistair smiled.

"Of course!" Arthur smiled.

Alistair gave Arthur a long wet kiss before leaving him and head downstairs.

Arthur blushed and thought what if Alfred did that to him.

He smiled and closed his bedroom door before heading downstairs where his brothers  are doing their own thing.

Dylan cooking, Connor vacuuming and Alistair drinking coffee while reading a newspaper.

"Good morning everyone." Arthur smiled.

"Good morning Art." Dylan smiled before returning to his cooking.

"Mornin." Connor said as he put the vacuum away.

Arthur head outside to the garden and water his precious roses.

"Arthur! Breakfast is ready!" Dylan called.

"Coming!" Arthur said before going inside.

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