Chapter III

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After breakfast, Arthur went out to tend his flowers.

Connor followed him and watched him from a safe distance, admiring how beautiful his brother is under that cute straw hat they bought for him not a while ago.

He was lost in thought before he heard Arthur exclaimed an "Ouch."

He went over to him and asked;

"What's the matter Art-"

Connor could never express how much he felt when he saw those beautiful crimson blood of his brother. He brought Arthur's delicate fingers and suck the blood.

Oh how sweet and delicious Arthur's blood was.

"Thank you brother." Arthur smiled and gave Connor a kiss on the cheek.

"Arthur, follow me." Connor said.

Arthur tilted his head in confusion but followed Connor anyway.

Conner went to his room and locked the door once Arthur was inside.


Arthur paled when he saw the thing in Connor's hand, a sharp knife.

"Sit down on the chair please Arthur. You see, I need your blood. Can I have it please?" Connor asked.

Arthur hesitantly nodd.
"Okay brother." Arthur said.

"Excellent! You don't know how much I love you Arthur."

Connor kissed Arthur roughly and bit Arthur's lip until blood came out.

As he was savouring the bitter and metallic flavour, or in Connor's case, sweet and delicious blood of Arthur in his mouth. He started to remove pieces of clothing until Arthur was only wearing his shirt and boxers.
Using his knife, he cut Arthur's boxer off and made cuts on Arthur's thighs in which he sucked and licked later on.

Arthur moaned in pain and pleasure as Connor cuts more in his legs.

"Brother..." Arthur moans as Connor licked the blood flowing out of his flesh.

"My dear sweet brother, you're so beautiful in red. You're blood is so delicious and sweet too." Connor said as he kissed Arthur's feet before adding another cut and licking it.

Arthur blushed and looked away.

Connor smirked and made a cut on Arthur's neck, careful not to kill him. 

Connor left a kiss before sucking the blood.

Arthur felt dizzy before passing out.

Arthur woke up.

The digital clock beside him flashed 7:30pm, meaning that he was out for 11 hours and missed the whole day. And even dinner.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Arthur managed to say.

Alistair came in with chicken soup and some salad.

"You missed lunch and dinner."

"I know. Thank you for bringing me food by the way." Arthur smiled. 

Arthur was done eating, he set the plates aside on the nightstand and Arthur's neck was once again attacked with kisses by none other than Alistair.

"Brother! Ah!" Arthur moaned as Alistair bit his chest.

"Beloved Arthur you're so pretty. More valuable, more beautiful, and definitely much greater than any other woman. You don't know how much I love you." Alistair said, placing a finger in Arthur's bottom lip, opening the younger's mouth slightly.

"I love you to brother!" Arthur exclaimed as he threw his arms around the older, making Alistair excited and loved.

He gave Arthur a deep and loving kiss.

Alistair saw the scars Connor made but he knows that he had already won their precious brother's heart.

After all, Arthur did confess to him.

But what they didn't know was Arthur was using them to fill his own guilty pleasures that he imagined he was doing with Alfred.

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