Chapter IV

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The brothers are well aware that the others are doing moves on Arthur and they're fine with that. As long as they got Arthur for themselves for few hours.

But Dylan hasn't made his move yet.

He was the nicest out if the three of them.
He doesn't want to force Arthur but it can't be helped. He also wants to touch Arthur and feel his skin against the younger.

Arthur was sweeping the hall when Dylan came to him and gave him a hot and messy kiss all the while; groping on the younger.

"Brother?" Arthur moaned.

"I'm really sorry poppet. But I can't help it anymore! I love you truly; I do! You're perfect and beautiful! I just can't hold it anymore!" Dylan said and pinned Arthur against the wall while continuously kissing him; trailing to the neck and into his chest.

"Brother!" Arthur moaned once more.

Dylan carried him bridal style and took Arthur to his room.

Dylan's bed was far more expensive and elegant than the rest. Red silk covers and expensive feathered pillows; with a humongous bunny plushie with Arthur's picture in the face.

Dylan carefully laid his so called 'princess'
on the beautiful silk material admiring the younger's body on his bed.

Dylan took Arthur's hand and kissed it saying; "My dear sweet Arthur; my princess; ask me anything you want and I shall give; in exchange for your oh so beautiful body."

Arthur was astonished but smiled.

He gave Dylan a kiss on the cheek before smiling and hugging the humongous plushie; not even disturbed that his face was taped there.

Dylan couldn't believe it.

He went under the covers with Arthur; hugging him from behind; inhaling the scent of the younger.

While Arthur was just thinking that his one and true love Alfred; was a the one hugging him. 

"Heya Art-Woah! What happened to your neck?!"  Alfred exclaimed.

He and Arthur would hang out in random places every Sunday.
Like a date. A friendly date; much to Arthur's dismay.

"I sort of cut myself while tending the roses." Arthur lied and Alfred bought it since he's an amazing actor. "So where are we going today?"

"To someplace no one knows."Alfred grinned and took Arthur into the woods near the Kirkland manor.

After walking for what seems like ages; they reached a large oak tree with a tree house.

"This tree was planted by your mother and my mother as a symbol of their secret relationship." Alfred said as he climbed the tree house. "If you're asking; I'm the one who made this by the way. So when you feel stressed out and sad; just come here."

Alfred flashed Arthur a smile. A smile that Arthur longed to only be shown to him.

"Hey Alfred."


"Can you meet me here later when stars will be out? I will wait for you here."

"Sure. What for?"

"Something important."


To Alfred and Arthur; the phrase 'stars will be out' means 9:30 in the evening.

Though it's not really the time stars come out; it's the time when Arthur and Alfred first witnessed their first shooting star.

Of course Alfred wished to be a famous hero while Arthur was quite selfish. He wished to be Alfred's lover.


Alistair went in his brother's room to see him brushing his hair.

Not a regular sight at all.

Alistair wraps his hand around Arthur and kissed the younger's neck; before whispering.

"Where are you heading?"

"I'm going to meet up with somebody."

"But, Artie; I need you. I need you so bad."

Arthur turned around and kissed the older's cheek.

"I'll be back. Promise."

"Alfred; I love you!" Arthur exclaimed as he blushed madly.

Alfred was silent for a minute before finally saying;

"Artie.. I'm sorry but I can't.. I really am.. Can we still be friends?"

"Yes! Of course! Thank you for listening to me. I have to go now! Brother is waiting for me!"

"Artie wait-"

But Arthur really dashed out; leaving a trail of tears.

"If you only knew how much I love you too. But I can't. Just to save you." Alfred said as he cried and fell on his knees.

"Stay away from Arthur." Alistair glared at Alfred.

"But I can't!"

"Reject him then." Connor snarled.

"Wouldn't he be depressed? I've known Arthur ever since we're young and we've been in love for years with each other. It will break him! You, his brothers should know that!"

"Oh yes we know. He will be begging for us to touch him; fill his guilty pleasures since you rejected him. Our cute little brother will finally come to us!" Dylan exclaimed.

"You guys are sick!"

"Well whatever. We don't care. We'll pull some strings and even ropes just to have our dear beloved brother ours." Alistair said as he puff out smoke.

"If you wouldn't reject him; we'll make your family business go bankrupt and we'll  isolate Arthur in an island where we only have access to. You want to at least see Arthur; don't cha?" Alistair grinned.

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