6. lonely

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It had been a while since you had been told you couldn't be a warrior anyomore. You still could feel it now but no matter how hard you tried you couldn't even move it a whisker.

At the moment you were staring down at your leg in utter defeat. You couldn't do anything to make it better and you knew it would never be the same.

You heard rustling and you looked up at the reeds in confusion. You saw a kit.

"Whitekit?" You said in confusion, "What are you doing in here?"

"I wanted to see you." He squeaked, stepping out and bounding over to you.

"Bluefur doesn't talk to me anymore and I'm sad. I remembered you though! So I came to see you!" He mewed.

"That's so sweet Whitekit, but I'm not sure if your allowed to be in here." You said kindly.

"Please don't send me away Y/w/n! I wanna be with you, you smell like Snowfur." He cried, mumbling the last part.

Your heart melted and you wrapped your tail around the tiny kits body.

"Ok you can stay but only with me, I don't want you getting into the medicine supply." You informed


Sunhigh was spent with Whitekit asking you questions and you telling stories that made him go wide eyed.

"If your leg is injured does that mean you can't walk anymore?" He asked

"Well I have three other good legs so I don't see why I wouldn't be able to walk." You answered

To prove your point you shakily got to your paws, your balance wavering a bit. Whitekit looked extremely impressed as you laid back down.

"Well Whitekit it was fun but you should go, I'm sure someone's missing you." You cooed

"Aw ok, bye Y/w/n." Whitekit said and left after touching noses with you.

After he left Featherwhisker came and offered you prey and poppy seeds.

"You seem to be in a better mood, I'm glad. You may be unable to do certain things but you could still be a queen if you wanted." He joked

You nearly choke on the piece of prey you had in your mouth.

"Me! Have kits? With who?" You snided

Featherwhisker laughed before changing the subject.



You were lonely. Whitekit hadn't visited you again and Featherwhisker was always busy with his duties.

You wanted to hiss and cry out in sadness with how lonely it had gotten. There was a bit of rustling and you looked up hopefully.

The cat that stepped into view wasn't the one you were expexting.

"Bluefur!" You exclaimed

He stepped forward carfully, looking down at you sadly.

"Is something wrong?" You asked

"I'm sorry." He said bitterly

"Why?" You asked in confusion

"It's my fault. You wouldn't have been injured if.." He trailed off, closing his eyes and folding his ears back.

"Stop that!" His eyes shot open to look at you in shock.

"This was not your fault! So don't go blaming yourself for something you can't control!" You scolded

Bluefur shuffled closer to you and licked the top of your head.

"Right, sorry it's just hard not to feel guilty. I was there, I could have done something." He said

"You tried to help and that's what matters."

He brushed his cheek against yours and curled his tail with yours.



"I love you."

"Heh, I love you too you stupid furball."

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