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Lances POV

Lance🌙: What should I wear?

Keith💘: Seriously, Lance? Wear whatever you want.

Lance🌙: but I want him to like me

Keith💘: he'll like you more if you're yourself.

Lance🌙: Keith. Nobody has ever liked me for "being myself"

Keith💘: hey! I like you.

Lance🌙: I like you too. Now shut up and tell me what to wear. Should I take out my piercings?

Keith💘: you don't need to take out your piercings...

Lance🌙: what? Do you think I look hot with them?

Keith💘: Shut up, Lance. Did I mention my brother owns a tattoo and piercing shop? He'll love you, okay? Just wear what you normally wear.

Lance🌙: fine.

Keith💘: see you soon.

I sighed. I had been pacing my room and freaking out for the past hour. It was currently 4pm and I was supposed to meet Keith in an hour. I had already told Lavender I wasn't going to be home for dinner.

I pulled open my dresser drawer and fished through my shirts. Tossing one out after another over my head and to somewhere in the room. Reaching the bottom of the drawer I pulled out a shirt I hadn't seen in years. In 2013 my dad took Marco and I to an Avril Lavigne concert. I stared at the shirt for a moment.

I turned and set the shirt down gently on the foot of my bed before turning back around and continuing to rummage through my dresser.


It was five o'clock and I was waiting outside of coffee culture for Keith. Staring down blankly at the ground, my black shoes blending into the darkness when I blinked. I took Keith's advice and dressed as casually as I could, without actually looking casual. I was wearing black skinny jeans and I white button-up.

"Hey." A voice spoke.

I snapped my head up and saw Keith looking back at me.

I smiled weakly. "Hey..."

"Come on, Shiro has been dying to meet you." Keith chuckled as he grabbed my hand.

My smile widened as I walked at the same pace as him, our fingers intertwined. We walked down the street and towards the apartment door I had seen Keith go into after our first date.

He opened and closed the door, leading the way as we walked up the stairs. We walked into a carpeted hallway and I followed him down to the end.

Apartment 24B.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Keith. You're more nervous then I am." I chuckled.

"Shut up." His cheeks grew a light pink as he playfully shoved my shoulder.

My smile grew as he opened the door and walked inside not dropping my hand that was still intertwined with his.

We walked into the small apartment together, I took of my shoes as Keith shut the door with his free hand.

Keith dragged me into the dining room, the person who I could only guess was Shiro stood over the stove. Stirring something in a pot.

"Lance, this is my brother, Shiro. Shiro this is Lance, my uh-" Keith began.

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