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    I paced anxiously around the waiting room. Travis and I had figured it'd be better to take Keith to the emergency room. His ankle was twisted pretty badly.

    "You know he's okay, would you just sit down?" Travis sighed.

    "It's my fault..." I groaned, sitting down in the small, uncomfortable, plastic chair next to Travis.

    "How on earth-"

    "If I was stronger, I could have protected him.." I sighed, my head in my hands.

    "Lance. This is not your fault." Travis stated sternly.

    Moments later, Pidge and Hunk came running into the room.

    "I just got your message, is Keith alright?" Pidge breathed heavily.

    "He's fine." Travis replied.

    "I brought cookies..." Hunk smiled.

    Over the past while I had grown close to Pidge and Hunk. They were my best friends and second family. Hunk sat down next to me and pulled out a plastic bag of cookies.

    "Ooooo." Travis drooled.

    With a light chuckle, Hunk opened the bag and passed a cookie to Travis. Travis scarfed it down like he hadn't eaten in weeks. Classic Travis. I shook my head. Soon after, Shiro and Matt rushed into the room.

    "Is Keith... okay?" Shiro asked, gasping for air.

    "He's fine." I sighed.

    "Thank God!" He breathed, practically falling back into a chair.

    "What are you doing here?" Pidge asked, eyeing Matt.

    "I could ask you the same." Matt growled in return.

    "I'm here to see my friend." Pidge snapped.

    "Calm down, shortie. I'll be leaving soon." Matt sighed, walking over and taking a seat beside Shiro.

    "What's their problem?" I asked in a whisper, nudging Hunk.

    "Pidge and Matt are siblings, I mean you can probably tell- they look so alike." Hunk chuckled. "When their parents died, Matt couldn't cope, he ran off without a care for his sister, leaving her alone."

    I sighed, I guess I wasn't the only one who felt alone, I mean- at least I had my siblings. As I laid back, it seemed as if time was standing still.

    The uncomfortable hospital chair made my back ache. Travis, Pidge, and Hunk had left about 3 hours ago, it was just Shiro, Matt and I now. I looked up at the ticking clock on the wall, it was 2:25 am. I sighed.

    A few minutes later, a nurse came into the waiting room. "I'm guessing you are all waiting on Keith?" She looked young, maybe 19-20 she had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and lips red as a cherry. Shiro, Matt, and I stood up to follow her as she walked off. She lead us to a hospital room, "He's still sleeping." With that the nurse left.

    "Shouldn't you go home soon, Lance?" Shiro questioned.

    "I'm not leaving Keith." I sighed,
"This is my fault." I sat down in yet another uncomfortable hospital chair.

    "How is this your fault?" Matt asked, him and Shiro sat in the chairs near the door, while I sat by Keith.

    "My ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend, and my old friends did this." A silence filled the room.

    "We'll stay with him if you need to go-" Shiro began.

    "I said I'm not going anywhere." I sharply replied, "you think Keith is stubborn? You haven't met me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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