Chapter 1

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     It was a day just like any other. Tori was walking to class and that's when Jade decided to be a gank or so she calls herself occasionally. Tori was trying to study for an upcoming test so she didn't see Jade stick her leg out to trip her. Next thing she knew she was on the floor with almost the entire school laughing at her.

     "Oh no it looks like Tori fell down!" Jade mockingly copying Tori's voice.

     "I don't talk like that!" Tori yelled at her as she got to and dusted herself off.

     "Of course you don't." Jade smirked at her as Tori reached down to pick up her papers that she had dropped when she fell.

Tori huffed at Jade and started walking towards her class again. It was one of her favorite classes, Mr. Sikowitz. He basically teaches them how to act and make things convincing. Tori had finally gotten to his class and sat down next to Andre and Cat. Two of her best friends. Sikowitz wasn't here yet so she turned to Andre who was looking at something on his pear phone.

     "Whatcha' looking at?" Tori asked Andre happily as she taps her foot against the chair.

     "Oh I'm just checking and making notes for one of the things I have to do for a class. You ok though chica? It looks like you got into a fight with someone." Andre had put his phone away and had turned towards the Latina. He sat there looking her over seeing her hair all a mess, her clothes more wrinkled than normal and there was still dirt on parts of her clothes.

     "Yeah well, you know Jade. She just loves harassing me. I was busy trying to study and she tripped me on my way here. Which, caused me to fall in front of pretty much the entire school. Hence why I look like this." Tori finished exasperated as she motioned to herself.

     "Dang chica she really has it out for you. I don't think I've ever seen her go after someone the way she does with you." Andre stated as he turned his chair around since they were still waiting on the teacher, which to them wasn't a surprise. He liked to come into the classroom in interesting ways on occasion.

     "I swear she hates me!" She yelled a little too loudly causing the class to look in her direction. So she lowered her voice. "She doesn't treat anyone else this way. I mean yeah she treats others badly, but like you said she pretty much only goes after me this way." This was when Cat joined in on the conversation. She had been on her phone the entire time. Probably looking at puppies or some other cute animal.

     "Who hates you Tori?" Cat asked all bubbly. She had turned to them as well. Seemingly bored with whatever was on her phone.

     "Jade who else. She tripped me earlier in front of pretty much the whole school." This was when Beck just entered the classroom. Having had heard what Tori had said he took a seat next to Cat.

     "Oh that was funny!" Cat started giggling at the memory of Tori falling down.

     "Cat! It wasn't funny that hurt." Tori whisper yelled at her. Not wanting to draw attention to herself again.

     "I'm sorry Tori." Cat squeaked as she looked away from the group.

     "It's alright Cat." Tori sighed as she put her head in her hands.

     "What did Jade do this time? I only heard the whole school part." Beck inquired as he leaned in to hear better.

     "She tripped me as I was walking to class trying to study. I'm pretty sure almost the entire school saw what happened and were laughing at me." Tori answered as she looked up at him, taking her head out of her hands to speak clearly.

     "I'll have a word with her later if she'll let me." Beck promised Tori while he touched her shoulder lightly trying to comfort her. Him and Jade broke up months ago so he wasn't sure how much she was willing to talk with him. They continued to small talk for awhile before the lights went out. Some students screamed, while others just looked at each other wondering what was going on. It was pretty much pitch black in the classroom so no one noticed Sikowitz on the stage until he pressed a button and the lights came back on. He sat on a chair on the stage, slowly sipping out of his coconut (he says it gives him visions) waiting for his students eyes to adjust to the now brightly lit room. When he thought their eyes had adjusted enough he spoke;

     "Good evening students of mine. You should all really consider coming in an interesting way one of these days." There were murmurs of hi's, good evenings and even a few ughs. "Today we will be doing Alphabetical Improv and..." before he could finish his sentence Jade burst through the door and plopped down on the chair closest to her. "Jade, how nice of you to finally join us. You're late." He stated as he set his coconut down in the floor and crossed his arms.

     "Yeah well,I don't care." She threw back at him angrily.

     "Stop being such a gank.." There were a few grumblings from her, but she didn't say anything else. "As I was saying before being interrupted. We will be doing Alphabetical Improv and then I will be handing out sheets for a project that's due in a few weeks." More grumbling from the students as they heard about doing another project. "Stop being suck negative Nacy's. It'll be a fun one this time. Alright Tori you pick your team you want to do this with." He picked go his coconut off the floor and went to stand in the back to watch what was going to unfold this time.

     "Alright ummm...Andre,Cat,Beck...uh Robbie and Jade." Tori declared as they all walked up onto the stage. As Jade walked up on stage she hissed at Tori;

     "You're dead Vega for making me come up here!"

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