Chapter 4

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"I mean it is late so we should probably get some sleep. Where were you going to sleep Jade?" Tori asked as she started turning off the lights downstairs. She walked into the kitchen last to grab herself a bottle of water in case she woke up in the middle of the night before heading over to the stairs to the second floor and looking back over at Jade.

"I was wondering if I could stay in your bed if it wasn't too much of a hassle." Jade inquired as she went to get up off the couch and walking over to where Tori was standing.

"Uh yeah sure that's fine. I'll just grab a blanket from the closet and I'll take the couch." Tori went to move away from the stairs so Jade could get past her, but she grabbed her wrist. Not the rough grabbing she normally does at school, but just a slight pressure that made her stop in her tracks. She looked over at Jade who was blushing slightly. Tori could barely see it from the lights being off, but she was facing her enough to where she could see it.

"I meant with you Vega. I'm not about to kick you out of your own bed. Unless you're uncomfortable with it?" Jade prayed that Tori would be ok with it. Right now she just really wanted to lay with Tori and she wasn't quite sure why. She wasn't going to question it, at least for now. Like Tori said they both needed sleep. Even if it wasn't going to come easy for Jade.

"Ummm...I'm ok with it, but are you sure? That's not like you." Tori pondered as she just looked down at where Jade was still holding her wrist. She didn't dare look at Jades face,afraid of what she might find in her eyes. Also afraid of what Jade might find in her eyes.

"Don't question it Vega. It's just sleeping." Jade had let go of Tori's wrist and started walking up the stairs to her room. She kept walking until she got to Tori's door and opened it. Not waiting for Tori to catch up as she plopped herself down on the bed. She didn't bring anything to wear so she just laid there until she heard the door creak closed as Tori entered. Jade looked up as Tori got closer to the bed. They just stared at each other before Jade raised an eyebrow willing Tori to speak.

"Right uh, did you want to borrow some of my clothes to sleep in for tonight? I should have some that would fit you." Tori questioned as she just stood there staring at Jade. She wondered when she would get to hold Jade in her arms when she needed a shoulder to cry on or just when Jade wanted to be held. Yes Jade like to be held or Tori's reading more into it than she's supposed to.

"Yeah I could do with some clothes. If you have some that fits that is. I don't want anything that's too small." Jade turned over on her side to face away from Tori. She told herself she wouldn't question it, but the longer she stayed close to Tori the more she was questioning what she was feeling and how strong these feelings were. She still wasn't sure what those feelings were. She had never felt them before. Not even with Beck. While she was deep in thought Tori had gone to look through her clothes to see it she had anything for Jade to wear. So it was a shock to Jade when Tori set the clothes in front of her. Nothing was said as Jade got off the bed and went into the bathroom to change. Because she was not about to change in front of Tori. Even if they were about to sleep in the same bed. By the time Jade had gotten out of the bathroom Tori was already curled up underneath her giant comforter. Which to Jades surprise wasn't pink like she thought it would be. It was a navy blue color with no design or pattern on it. Jade found it comforting as she crawled in with Tori. Making sure there was enough room between them in case they needed to get more comfortable or moved in their sleep. Once she got comfortable she closed her eyes. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep any time soon due to her racing thoughts, but why not get as comfortable as possible in the mean time. All she could think about since she got to Tori's house was well...Tori. She knew it was probably wrong she knew Tori probably didn't feel anything towards her. Hell she didn't even know what she felt towards the Latina. The one thing sticking out from all the other thoughts was the one telling her to kiss Tori. She wasn't sure why, but she half agreed with this thought. She wanted to know what Tori's lips felt like against hers. However wrong it seemed and even if Tori made her sleep on the couch or just kicked her out of her house all together. So what did she do? She rolled over so she was facing Tori who was staring at Jade already, surprising her. They just stared at each other for awhile before Tori got the nerves to inch slightly closer to Jade who was already blushing and thankful that Tori couldn't see that well in the dark. When Jade didn't back up like Tori thought she would, she slowly put her hand on Jades side. Obviously sensing something was up with the dark haired goth girl, but not knowing exactly what it was. Jade pondered what to do next for a moment before slowly moving her face closer to Tori's. She watched Tori's face the entire time for any signs of her not wanting this or any signs of her being confused on what was happening, but there was none of that. Tori was just staring intently back at her. Waiting for whatever Jade was going to do next. The next thing Jade knew was that she had put her lips on Tori's and slowly started moving them against hers. Tori reciprocated shortly after that. It only lasted a few more seconds before Jade snapped to her senses on what she was actually doing. She had just kissed Vega!! As soon as she realized what she was doing she pulled away from Tori and tried to get off the bed, but Tori's hand on her waist stopped her before she could even turn away.

"Jade relax it's ok." Tori soothed as she rubbed small circles on Jades side trying to calm her down.

"How can I calm down?!?! It's wrong and I'm not even sure what I feel towards you and you probably don't even feel anything towards me and..." Jade was cut off as Tori gently kissed her again. Jade knew she should pull away, but it felt comforting and relaxing to her. So she just waited until Tori pulled away.

"We'll figure it out ok? Just as long as you talk to me about it. I know you don't know what you're feeling, but with the two of us we can figure it out. As for it being wrong and me not feeling anything towards you, both of those statements are wrong. It's not wrong with however you feel and I definitely feel something towards you. I wouldn't have let you kiss me and I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't feel anything. So we'll work on how you feel and then just go from there ok?" Tori offered as she watched Jades face for any discomfort, but's she didn't see any of it. Just Jade staring back at her. She couldn't really make out what she saw in Jades eyes except the calmness that was now there.

"I'm trusting you Tori and you know I don't really do that with anyone." Jade cautioned as she scooted ever so slightly closer to Tori. Tori slowly pulled Jade closer to her and put her head on her chest. As soon as Tori did that Jade curled up against her and relaxed more. She wasn't sure why, but she felt safe in her arms. It only took Jade a few more minutes before she fell asleep.

By the time Jade had awoken, Tori was no where to be found or at least not in the bedroom with Jade. So Jade got up and started looking around for her. She found her in the kitchen making breakfast. Jade walked into the kitchen and leaned against one of the counters to watch Tori cook. It wasn't long before the timer went off on the stove signaling that the food was done. Before Tori got the chance to take the pan off the stove, Jade walked up behind her and wrapped her arms around Tori's waist. Making Tori jump ever so slightly. Tori turned her head to look at Jade who was smiling at her. Tori smiled back and Jade just hid her face in Tori's shoulder.

"Good morning to you too Jade." All she got back was a muffled noise and a tighter grip on her waist. " I can't get breakfast for us with you holding onto my waist. If you really want to hold onto me more, after breakfast we can go out or something." Tori reasoned as she put her hand over Jades. Jade slowly let go not really wanting to and not really sure why she did it in the first place.

"I...uh...was going to leave after breakfast... Don't get me wrong though Vega. I've enjoyed this I just really need to figure out how I feel towards you because I don't want to lead you on and to do that I need a clear head. I can't do that when I'm here." Jade murmured as she looked down at the floor and away from Tori who had turned around to face her.

"Jade don't worry. If it's better for you to leave and think things through, then I'm ok with it. You do whatever is best for you. I'll be here whenever you decide to come back." Tori walked closer to Jade and wrapped her arms around her shoulders before pulling her in for a hug, which surprisingly Jade returned. Jade was warming up to Tori so over breakfast they talked about a bunch of different stuff. From what they liked to what they disliked and everything in between. Jade stayed for awhile after breakfast before deciding she really needed to leave. She changed out of Tori's clothes and then said her goodbyes before walking home. Hoping she could figure out how she felt about Tori so she didn't hurt her. As soon as she got home she went to her room and just plopped down on her bed. Falling asleep shortly after and dreaming about Tori.

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