Chapter 6

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A/N    Just a short one. As I promised I have a chapter for you guys. Unfortunately still no internet so chapters will still be slow but I'll be working on new ones more often 😎

     As Jade laid there waiting for Tori to respond to her, she started playing with Tori's hair. She was mesmerized by the way it fell through her fingers. The way the lights shined on each strand making them glow and she watched as Tori's eyebrows furrowed in concentration and as she bit her lip as she figured out what she was going to say, before she actually spoke.

     "Jade I didn't know you felt so strongly about me. I've liked you for awhile now, I just wasn't sure how you felt about me and you said you needed space so I was willing to wait however long it took for you to figure out everything. Of course I'll be your diamond." With that Tori kissed Jade on the lips softly once before pulling away again. Smiling like crazy and her arms wrapped securely around Jades neck to keep them close.

     "I'm so glad you feel the same way. Now don't go thinking that since we're together now I'm going to open up right away. That's still going to take some time and a lot of trust, but I promise I will start opening up to you. You just have to be patient with me." Jade moved her head closer to Tori before resting it on her chest, listening to her heart beat, which she's always found soothing. She just never admitted it to anyone and if she's being honest with herself, she's scared to tell anyone.

     "Jade, you know I'll wait for you and if I have to continue to prove that then I will. Well I guess that's not totally correct. I will continue to be patient until you trust me and even after that. Do you wanna know why?" Tori questioned as she ran her fingers from one hand through Jades hair, while the other one went down to her side.

     "Why?" Jade whispered as if she didn't want to break the moment they were having.

     "Because I don't want to lose you that's why. I'm going to fight for us no matter what comes our way and I expect you to do the same. Whatever your reasons for being scared about this, I'll make them all go away. Whenever the time comes to tell our friends I'm sure they'll help as well." Tori kisses the top of Jades head before resting her chin on top of it and closing her eyes.

     "Tori I don't know what to say. I've never had someone do this for me before." Jade mumbled as she slowly started falling asleep in Tori's arms. Exhausted after a long day.

     "Don't worry about it for now. Just get some rest. Seems like you need it." Tori pulled the blanket over them and put her hand back on Jades side. The other one stayed in Jades hair, but she made sure it wouldn't pull her hair. Yeah they were still in regular clothes, but who cares. Trina's probably going to be gone all night with that 'date' of hers and her parents weren't coming home anytime soon anyway so they'd have the house to themselves.

     "Mmm...Uh...Huh..." Jade murmured unintelligibly as she nestled her head more into Tori's chest. It wasn't long before both of them were fast asleep. It was a peaceful slumber and they weren't dreaming because they were both too tired to dream anything, but they both had smiles on their faces. They slept the whole night away. No one ever bothering them. By the time they woke up you could hear the birds outside. Jade was the first one to wake up. She groaned as the sun shone in her eyes. When they adjusted she saw that she facing the opposite way she fell asleep. She wasn't facing Tori anymore, she was facing the door. She could still feel Tori's arms wrapped around her though. They were just wrapped around her waist now and Tori's face was buried in her back. She slowly moved her hands so that they were resting over Tori's. Tori shifted a bit, but didn't wake up. Jade knew the perfect way to get her up. She slowly got out of her grip, which was really hard surprisingly. She tip-toed over to her bag she brought with her just in case she needed something. She rummaged through it for a bit before finding what she was looking for. She tip-toed back over to the bed and held the air horn close to Tori before pressing the button. The extremely loud noise echoed throughout the room and Tori jolted awake. Sitting straight up to look for the source of the noise. Her eyes landing on Jade who was on the floor laughing so hard she was crying. Tori scowled at her as she started sitting up and wiped the tears from her eyes.

     "Jade that wasn't funny! That scared the shit out of me!" She was still scowling at Jade and as much as she thought it was cute she knew Tori was really upset with her. If Tori turning away from her didn't say anything. So she jumped up off the floor and jumped up next to Tori, who still wasn't looking at her. She was wasn't good with these situations, but she had to try something.

    "Come on Tori. I was just trying to mess with you and trying to wake you up. I didn't think it'd scare you that much. I apologize." Jade slowly wrapped her arms around Tori. Afraid Tori would pull away with how mad she was, but she didn't. She just put her hands over Jades and began talking.

     "You know you could have just kissed me awake or started whispering in my ear. I would have woken up either way." Tori started rubbing her thumb over Jades hand to show she wasn't mad anymore.

     "I'm sorry. With Beck he was always so hard to wake up. I just thought everyone was the same. I'll be sure not to do that again unless you're ok with it." Jade buried her face in the back of Tori's neck. Relaxing at the scent of strawberries she found there.

     "Jade, you don't have to change who you are just to be with me. If you want to be mischievous with stuff then you can, just be prepared to make it up to me." Tori used one of her hands to pull Jades face close to hers for a slow passionate kiss, which lasted until they both ran out of air and were panting.

     "Good because I don't want to change." They stayed like that for awhile just enjoying the moment. It wasn't until their stomachs started yelling at them did they get up. They walked down to the kitchen to grab some food before heading into the living room to watch tv together. Slowly munching on the cereal they grabbed.

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