Chapter 2

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They had done their Alphabetical Improv and had sat back down. Jade glared at Tori the entire time. The Improv had gone by without incident, surprisingly with Jade staring daggers at her the entire time. She was half expecting Jade to do something evil, but she never did. Tori always saw anger and hatred in Jades eyes,but on stage she saw past the angry glares to something else she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"What the hell are you staring at Vega?!?!" Whoops guess she got caught staring. Play it cool Tori play it cool.

"Huh? I wasn't staring at you, I was staring past you." Tori lied as she started getting up out of her seat since they were still in Sikowitz's class and evidently while she was day dreaming or whatever she was doing when the bell had rung.

"Sure you weren't Vega, sure you weren't. Listen I don't have time to sit here and go back and forth with you. Don't let it happen again." Jade asserted as she stormed out of the room. That look was in her eyes again. It was like a look of tenderness, but there's no way Jade could ever feel that about her. Right? She stayed there thinking it over for so long she almost didn't hear the warning bell ringing out reminding her that she only had two minutes to get to class. She hurried out the door, bumping into multiple people and hurriedly shouting out an apology before rushing back off. She made it to class as soon as the bell rang and sat down in a chair with a heavy thump and sighing deeply. Then realizing Jade was in this class as well. Speaking of which...

"Vega sure seems out of breath. Did little miss Vega have to run all the way here because she was day dreaming again?" Jade cooed not even looking up from messing with her scissors.

"So what if I did? It's not bothering you any." Tori muttered the last so hopefully Jade wouldn't hear her,but she definitely heard her.

"It bothers me when you're panting and breathing hard all over me. I don't want all your Vega germs on me. Keep it in the other direction or I'll make you." Jade threatened as she looked up from her scissors to give her famous death glare. The look that was previously there was gone. Nothing of it remained.

"Fine have it your way." Tori maintained her composure as she got up and sat in another chair far away from her. Was that hurt she saw in her eyes? She couldn't ponder it for long because in a blink of an eye it was gone. Replaced with anger again. Class had started shortly after Tori had sat down. It was simple stuff so she didn't really need to pay attention because she knew it and very well she might add. So while the rest of the class paid attention to the teacher she paid attention to Jade. Did she like Jade? Understatement. She loved Jade, but she could never tell her that. Jade would kill her or worse. What's worse you may ask? She could torture her for months on end or ewww,she doesn't want to even think about that. That was extremely gross when she had found out that it was Jade. Now did she thinks Jade was beautiful? In her own way that Tori seemed to love. She even loved those times Jade would pick on other people for her when they started messing with her.

"Alright class dismissed. Don't forget your homework is due in a week." The teacher reminded them as students started packing up for lunch. Tori packed up slowly because it was a shorter time she had to deal with Jade. Jade was packed and out the door as soon as the teacher said they were dismissed. Once she had all her stuff packed she headed out of the classroom to her 'make it shine' locker to put her stuff away. As she was at her locker Jade had snuck up behind her. Waiting a couple seconds to make sure Tori didn't notice, she leaned her head closer to Tori's ear and screamed her name. Making her jump forward and crash into her locker. Jade burst out laughing as Tori pushed herself away from her locker. Glaring or trying to at Jade as she turned around.

"That wasn't funny Jade! Why did you do that any way?" Tori huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest and continued to glare at Jade.

"You're right it wasn't funny I'm sorry." With that she stepped slightly closer to Tori and continued what she was saying,"It was hilarious." Jade started laughing again as she turned on her heel and started walking away to the food court. Tori huffed once again and slammed her locker shut. The sound echoing throughout the empty halls as everyone else was out eating lunch already. Tori slowly started walking towards the food court. She really didn't want to deal with Jade, but she was starving. If her constantly rumbling stomach wasn't enough evidence. She had finally made it to the food court and then went to the grub truck to get herself a salad. She found the table the gang was sitting at and sat down next to Cat who smiled happily.

"Hi Tori!" Cat shouted as Tori started eating her salad.

"Hi Cat." Tori greeted back to the energetic red head.

"Hey Toro I need help with one of these projects. Do you think you could help me out?" Andre questioned as he took a bite out of his taco that he had gotten for lunch.

"Sure thing Andre. My house after school?" Tori suggested as she finished her salad and pushed it away from her. Andre nodded as he continued eating. They only had a few minutes before they had to head for their next class. The gang chatted for awhile before the bell rang signaling that lunch was over and that they had to head to class. Jade was the first one away from the table. Almost sprinting away from it like it was in fire. Tori sighed and followed slowly behind knowing that the rest of the day was going to be long.

Mini Time Skip

The rest of the day was long like how Tori had expected. She was on her way to her locker to put her stuff away until she needed it again, but kept the stuff she needed for her projects. She double checked to make sure she had everything and as she was getting ready to close it when Jade walked up to her. Sporting her famous scowl and glare and sending it to everyone who looked at her.

"Vega, I'm coming with you and Andre to work on one of the projects we all have." She finished giving the last kid her glare and looked over at Tori. Glare and scowl gone, replaced by an unreadable mask.

"Sure let me just text Andre that..." Tori started before Jade cut her off.

"I've already talked to him and he said it was cool. So are you ready or not?" Jade beseeched her as she tapped her fingers impatiently on her leg.

"Yeah sure I just have to close my locker." Tori closed her locker and then nodded at Jade to signal that she was ready. They both made their to the front door leading out to the parking where Andre awaited them. Jade walking closer to Tori than she usually does. Tori didn't think nothing of it. Thinking she just wanted to go out the same door as her. That was until Jade lightly brushed her hand against hers...

A/N: I know it's a little late but I made it a little longer to hopefully compensate for that 😁 3rd chapter should be up in a couple days and I'll make and extra little thing for you guys as well since this was so late

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