Is It Masturbation Or Pincest

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Me: Hello peoples how's it going
Bill: Fucking great thanks
Me: Jeez what's his problem
Dip: Hangover
Me: Why
Dip: I dunno
Me: Oh OK anyway...
Revdip: wut
Me: Oh good I needed you
Revdip: why
Me: for a question
Dip: OK what question
Me: OMFGWORK Asked that if you and Revdip were to have sex would it be classed as masturbation it's a simple yes or no answer NOW
Dip: um no?
Me: what about you Revdip?
Revdip: I would class it as Pincest (gags) disgusting
Dip: Yeah I kinda agree that would be Pincest
Me: I just wanna know why it's even a thing but I guess that's our answer thank you dipper plus Revdip
Revdip: thanks I feel appreciated(sarcasm)
Me: Oh your so very welcome(grins)
Dip: k ima go watch TV in ma room if ya need me shout...
Dip: just call my name. I'M COMING BILL SHUTAP
ME:K then it's just you me and will what we gonna do... Revdip...will well then I guess nobody's gonna say goodbye with me
Revdip: (suddenly appears) see ya people. Don't forget to ask or dare yeah OK I'm done here see you next time... Goodbye
Me: OK well that was............ Something but I won't judge see ya next time kids

Thanks for reading I know its not long and it's taken a while to update and stuff but plz write asks or dares in the comments thank you for supporting and I'll publish soo............ See ya

So this is for ranting about meWhere stories live. Discover now