An Offer You Can't Refuse- Prologue 5

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Kim Taehyung. Many shuddered at the name, he wasn't a pleasant person. He loved money and nothing else, not even his family. He had been kicked out by his parents but quickly got back on his feet through the drug drop offs he did. He earned that money and he loved to show it off through his Gucci everything. He had a wicked smile and a gleam in his eyes that no one could place. Was it happiness? Excitement? Menace? Namjoon had been keeping tabs on the young man and had quickly learned he was hard to follow. Taehyung knows how to cover his tracks and never gets caught. Whether the person he was dealing the drugs to were caught was not his problem. It was late one night outside a strip club in Daegu that Taehyung was caught for the first time. Namjoon had received the time and address from Yoongi and headed out of the  car passing tall buildings as he walked down the alleyway.

Taehyung's POV
I stepped out of shadows and into the green and pink neon lights of the strip club entrance. I leaned against the wall of the club casually, hair drooping over my eyes just slightly. Just another night of business. Maybe I can have some fun later. I smirked to myself and leaned my head against the brick wall while watching dirty old men entering hoping to get their dirty, wrinkly hands on one of the young women inside. I retched at the thought. I might do bad things but I do have some morals. I gazed around the area I was standing in to try and catch a glimpse of the guy I was meeting. Women and men prostitutes were milling around the place hoping to earn something that night. I guess we're not that different, I thought. My gaze drifted from person to person before I saw him. A small young man standing just across the alleyway from me. Ours eyes locked for a moment his chubby cheeks glowing a pale pink, before his attention was dragged away from me and towards an older man probably hoping for some fun that night. A frown graced my forehead. Such a sweet and innocent looking person shouldn't be taken advantage of like that but we live in a cruel world and there is nothing I can do about it. I started to zone out listening to the pounding music from the club when a dark figure appeared out of the corner of my eye. Usually I would pay no mind to this, dark figures are normal in alleyways, especially this one. So, why was I so intrigued by this man? That's when I realised. He was staring straight at me. I pushed myself of the wall and stood up straight as the stranger made his way over to me. As he came closer I got a better look at him. Expensive shoes, glittering watch and sharp suit. This gentleman was a business man. Now what kind of a business man comes to these parts. This place is full of dirty old men hoping for a chance with a beautiful stripper, he has no place here. Oddly the man just walked straight past me and turned a corner further down the alley. I guess his staring was just nothing and not interest. I carried on with my scanning of the alley before another man walked up to me, an anxious look on his face. This is the guy.
"Do you have what I need?" He spoke hurriedly, he moved his long blonde hair out of his eyes and gave me a hopeful look.
"Of course I do," I confidently replied. I took the small bag of powder out of my velvet jacket pocket and handed it over to the guy. He snatched it out of my hands and stuffed into the inside pocket of his trench coat. He adjusted his beanie while his eyes darted around the place to make sure no one had seen. I smirked. If anyone saw they wouldn't care, this kind of shit happens all the time here. I turned away from the guy and skipped down the stairs to the strip club entrance. I felt in my inside pocket and found the disguised payment for todays drop. I smiled to myself and began the walk down the alley. Suddenly a foot stepped out from the shadows followed by the tall and slender body of a man, the man I saw before.
"Hello Taehyung." His smooth voice cutting through the air like a knife. I gulped.
"How do you know my name? Who are you? What do you want from me?" The mysterious man made a tutting sound.
"So many questions. But don't worry they will all be answered." He stepped out fully from the shadows and into the dim glow of a nearby street light. His face held a smirk and his eyes shined with a knowing look. This man was dangerous and confident, a bad combination in the dark.
"You're very hard to track." I smirked at his ego-boosting comment.
"But not impossible." He paused and took a step forward staring straight into my eyes.
"I have an offer for you. One you can't refuse." I raised my eyebrows at this, but didn't comment  instead letting him continue.
"My name is Kim Namjoon and I want you to work for me. I'm assembling an elite team and I want you to be my dealer." I opened my mouth but he cut me of.
"Don't worry about payment. I will be paying you much more than you could ever receive from a drop." My eyes lit up at this. Money was a key factor. Money's what makes the world go round, right?
"You're very confident that I will say yes." I turned my head to the side and put my hands in my pockets.
"What have you got to lose, and anyway I can protect you when you're working for me. The police can't touch you." He was very convincing.
"You know what. Alright then. I'll work for you."
"Wonderful. I have your first mission ready." Namjoon visibly relaxed at my agreement to work with him.
"Oh really, and what would that be?" I asked enquiringly.
"I need you to recruit someone for me, his name is Park Jimin..."

Prologue 6 coming Thursday 26th July 9:00pm...

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