Actions Speak Louder Than Words- Prologue 7

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Jungkook's POV
I walked steadily down the street keeping my eyes cast down and my shoulders slumped as to not draw attention to myself. My senses were on red alert and even the smallest sound or the tiniest movement out of the corner of my eye was enough to make me jump out of my skin. I picked up my pace as I spotted the alleyway I was looking for and quickly checked around me to see if anyone was following. The trees swayed gently in the early morning breeze and the low rumble of traffic could be heard in the background. I turned my head forward and continued my trek. Swiftly, I rounded the corner into the alleyway and took my hood down. My shoulders relaxed and my arms hung at my side, swinging with authority. A contrast to the reserved demeanour I showed before. The sound of birds tweeting faded into the distance as I walked and instead was replaced by the loud chatter of people. I stepped round the crowd and through a shabby looking door.
"Jungkook!" Called the man I know as Johnny. His long brown trench coat swept behind him and his long, dirty blonde hair swayed as he walked towards me. He patted me on the back and led me to a chair. His eyes twitched and glanced quickly from side to side as he readjusted his scarlet beanie. Paranoia? Twitching? Cocaine. He smiled anxiously at me and knelt down in front of me. The yellow light of the lamps situated around the room cast a glow on the man's face and highlighted the wrinkles that adorned it. He sent me a wonky smile and put his hand on my shoulder.
"I know you can do this." He said confidently. I nodded and he gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. I took of my jacket and shirt leaving my toned chest exposed. I took a deep breath and looked at Johnny.
"Show time." We stepped out of the dark and dingy room to be met with a roar from the crowd. I stepped into the centre and threw my hands up in the air to encourage them. Gotta give 'em a good show, I thought to myself.
"Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook." The crowd chanted my name over and over, further fuelling the fire inside me. I turned around at the sound of a whistle. Another man, slightly shorter than me, stepped into the open area. The crowd cheered once more and he smirked menacingly. I stepped forward and took a fighting stance. The man did this too. A women called Ashley stepped into the ring and held her hands up for silence. She pushed her long brown hair over her shoulder and gave a glistening smile to the crowd.
"Welcome!" She shouted. " Tonight we have a great fight for you. Kim Younghyun versus Jeon Jungkook!" The crowd erupted in cheers. After a few moments Ashley put her hands up once again for silence. She turned her attention towards me and Younghyun.
"Now, you know the rules. Don't kill your opponent. Well, try not to at least. The winner -she paused for dramatic effect- wins ₩7,000,000." The crowd went mental. I smirked to myself and eyed up my opponent. Easy money, I thought.

The fight began and it all became a blur. I dodged Younghyun's blows easily. He stood no chance. After some time I delivered the final punch. He collapsed to the floor unconscious and his manager and medical team carried him away. I lifted my hands up in triumph and the crowd's cheering increased. I wiped my bloody nose and accepted my money gratefully from Ashley who handed it over with a huge grin plastered on her face. She pulled me down to her level and whispered in my ear: "I knew you'd win." She stood back up grabbed my hand and lifted it into the air.
"Our winner: Jeon Jungkook!" I smiled widely and waved to the crowd before leaving back to the small changing room where Johnny was waiting for me.
"Great fight, Kiddo." He said, patting me on the back. I thanked him and put my shirt back on. I grabbed my jacket, gave Johnny a nod of goodbye and made my way back out of the door. I weaved my way through the crowd but stopped suddenly when I felt someone's stare burning a hole in the back of my head. I was accustomed to this of course. I had plenty of admirers due to my rather large muscles, which I had gained from my rather rough childhood and dangerous home, but something about this stare was different. I turned on my heal and looked out into the crowd, but I didn't need to search for long before my eyes landed on a pair of dark brown ones belonging to a man. The man lifted his head up and sent me a smile, one a Father would give his son. He rolled up his designer jacket sleeve and looked down at his glistening diamond watch before disappearing into the shadows. Him again? His presence at my fights had become the norm now. He seemed to give off an aura of calmness but also authority. I was slightly intrigued by the mysterious man, at first I thought he was a sponsor. By the look of his clothes he certainly has the money. But usually sponsors don't hide in the shadows. Usually they stand at the front of the crowd ready to rub it in when their fighter wins. I shook my head to rid myself of these thoughts, they only made my head spin. I carried on my way down the street before I heard the rapid sound of footsteps behind me. Before I knew it I was being shoved into an alleyway. I turned around to face the attacker but was met by the glint of a knife. I stumbled back and tried to run but he had a strong grip on my arm. Suddenly, out of the shadows came a deep voice.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." It spoke clearly.
"Oh, really. What are you gonna do about it?" My attacker replied. From within the shadows the man stuck out his hand and clicked his fingers. A red dot appeared on my attackers chest.
"On top of one of these buildings is an assassin who is willing to take you down unless you let this young man go." His voice was unusually calm. My attacker on the other hand was certainly not calm. His hands shook and he quickly dropped the knife. His eyes switched from me to the man in the shadows and bolted back down the street. I put my hands down to my sides and turned to face my saviour. Footsteps could be heard and he gradually emerged from the safety of the shadows. It was the man from the fights. He had obviously realised from my shocked expression that I recognised him.
"My name is Kim Namjoon and I want to help you." He ended with a small, endearing smile.
"I think you already did." He chuckled lightly.
"Yes, I guess I did." I was startled by a sudden sound from further down the narrow alley. A man clad in bulletproof armour stepped out from the shadows as-well. In his hand he held a sniper rifle. My eyes widened at the sight of the gun but quickly snapped back up to this new figure after he laughed slightly at my reaction to the weapon.
"Thank you for your services, Yoongi." The man, now known as Yoongi, nodded at the taller male and walked back down the alley and out of sight. Namjoon kept his gaze on me the whole time, never wavering. I looked back at him, shocked at the situation I had found myself in.
"What do you mean by you want to help me?" He took a deep breath and stepped closer to me.
"I want you to work for me as a sort of bodyguard." My eyebrows rose at his words.
"Sort of bodyguard?" I enquired.
"I need you to be our muscle."
Namjoon took another step closer to me and lifted his head up further.
"The mafia, Jungkook. I trust you are well aware of it due to your illegal fighting." He was right. Plenty of mafia leaders liked to bet and sponsor illegal fighters. My brows furrowed and my brain began to tick over the pros and cons. Namjoon sensed my hesitation and put a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Jungkook -he spoke softly- I know that life has treated you badly and you have been under threat almost your whole life. Being under my protection is the right move to make." He took his hand off my shoulder and put it inside his pocket.
"You don't have to be alone anymore." I blinked and glanced up. I took a deep breath and replied:
"I am at your service."

Hello! Thank you so much for reading! I hope to get the first chapter up next Friday as I will be posting the individual members profiles! I hope you enjoyed x

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