Chapter 2- Just a Kid

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The sun rose much too quickly for Yoongi's liking. He groaned and scrunched his eyes making a disgusted face. Opening his eyes slowly he glared at the curtains that did next to nothing to conceal the intrusive rays of sunlight. Yoongi yawned and stretched his stiff muscles. He slowly dragged himself out of his grand king sized bed and walked to the walk in wardrobe, which resided next to the ensuite bathroom. He showered and dressed before making his way down the white hallways and marble staircase.

The kitchen was buzzing with life. Jin stood by the oven with a frown of concentration adorning his handsome features. The smell of pancakes wafted around the room and Jungkook began to complain about how hungry he was. This earned a glare from Jin and a promise to hurry. Yoongi made his way into the kitchen and took a seat at the mahogany dining table. Namjoon sat at the head of the table with Yoongi to his left, a small smile on his face as he watched Taehyung and Hoseok jokingly bicker about whatever. Namjoon nodded at Yoongi as he sat down, the same smile on his face but with a different meaning. In his eyes was a hint of dread. Yoongi held the same look. They both turned to Jungkook as Jin handed him a stack of pancakes. A childish glint flashed in Jungkook's eyes and both Yoongi and Namjoon grimaced at what they both knew was to happen. They both knew that that childish gleam would be slightly diminished today. The two men were dragged out of there daydreams by the clattering of plates against the table. They both looked down to see two stacks of warm golden pancakes.
"Thank, Jin hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed happily and tucked into his pancakes along with the others who groaned at the delightful meal.

A hush fell over the table as the boys ate their breakfast although a dark cloud hung over their heads.

~~Time Skip~~
Namjoon stood in the cold, dark room. A single light bulb hung above his head casting eerie shadows across his face. In front of him a bloody, battered and shaking figure lay on the floor. Namjoon lowered himself to the floor and locked eyes with his prisoner.
"Now, now, Mr Kwon. You could've made this a lot easier on yourself. Just tell us what we need to know." Mr Kwon looked Namjoon directly in the eyes and spat his blood and saliva at his face. Namjoon stood slowly and wiped his face with a velvet cloth which he had delicately plucked from his breast pocket.
"Jungkook." RM spoke clearly and with a cold tone. Said boy was quickly brought from his thoughts before shakily making his way over to Mr Kwon. He picked the man off of the floor and delivered another blow to his face and then abdomen. Mr Kwon spluttered blood which continued to poor from the wounds in his mouth.
"RM you're a cruel man. Making a boy do your dirty work." Kwon took a deep breath. Namjoon nodded his head and a gun was placed against the back of Kwon's head.  He turned slowly to face the barrel and Yoongi whose face held no emotion. This gun was one of Yoongi's favourites. It held no gleam or shine. It was pitch black and almost absorbed any light that dared to touch it, like an abyss of death.
Kwon gulped and turned to face Namjoon once again.
"Okay,okay! He sent One to talk to the spy. That's all I know." Kwon stuttered out. Namjoon narrowed his eyes menacingly and Yoongi pushed the barrel of his gun further against Kwon's skull.
"And! And I heard them talking about a fight. Something about seeing him after a fight but I swear that's all I know!" Namjoon relaxed and smiled gently at Kwon.
"Thank you for your honesty. We appreciate it. Suga." And before anyone could react Yoongi pulled the trigger and Mr Kwon fell to the floor. The light drained from his eyes and his mouth fell open in a silent scream. Jungkook flinched at the gun shot. He tried to play it off as nothing but Namjoon noticed and inwardly sighed.

The three men stepped out of the cellar and silently made their way to the meeting room where the others waited paitently. The journey was silent as the men contemplated the events of the morning. Yoongi and Jungkook followed after Namjoon and Yoongi glanced at Jungkook from the corner of his eye. He too had noticed him flinch at the gun shot and worried for the younger boy. Jungkook was still young and had a history of abuse. Things like this could affect him quite badly. But Yoongi held his tongue. If it was bad Namjoon would handle it.

The men arrived at the meeting room. Namjoon flung open the door startling the men inside. They quickly recovered though and stood to attention. Namjoon made his way to the head of the table while Jungkook sat at the end and Yoongi took his seat on the left hand side of Namjoon.
Namjoon sat forward and the other members sat holding their breath. Namjoon spoke steadily.
"One has been sent to gather information from the spy. No doubt he will have a team with him. They will be meeting after a fight. Now we know not what fight they are referring to nor do we know what numbers we will be up against, but we must be prepared for the worst. We all know how dangerous One can be even without a team." Namjoon took a deep breath and looked up at his brothers. "Jhope. I want you to try and find out what fight they are going to. Find security footage of One or his team possibly heading to a fight. Jimin I want you on the ground. Any rumours on the movement of One and his team must be reported back to me and Jhope. Find this information by any means necessary." Taehyung visibly tensed at his remark. Jimin took his hand gently as if to say, It's ok.
"Once we have this information we can make a plan. Yoongi will be on the rooftops for security purposes and as a scout. Jin will be waiting a short distance away with the get away van. Me, Jungkook, Jimin, V and Jhope will be on the ground for a frontal attack. Details will be discussed once we have more info. That's all." The men stood and bowed to the leader before leaving the room. Seokjin however stayed behind. He placed a hand on Namjoon's cheek before moving to his shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. Namjoon gave him a tight smile. Seokjin left and Namjoon was left to think over the events of the last two days, and plan how to take down the bastards that threaten his gang and his empire.

A/N: Omg it's an update! I know I know it's been a while I'm so sorry but I had no inspiration and honestly I'm just lazy. Thank you to everyone who has been reading so far. Everyday I get notifications of people voting for his story which is crazy! Who knows I might even start updating regularly. Anyway I hope you enjoyed his chapter!

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